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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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AFI Project Builder: Guide for Planning an AFI Project

Table of Contents
A. Selected IDA and Asset-Building Resources and Publications
B. Earned Income Tax Credit and Federal Poverty Information
C. Gathering Data on Your Target Population
D. AFI Project Reserve Accounts and Participant IDAs
E. Savings Plan Agreements
F. Marketing, Recruitment, and Retention of Participants
G. IDA Asset Cost Due Diligence Worksheets
H. Eligible Educational Institutions
I. Sample Job Description
J. Why Financial Institutions Want to Partner with AFI Projects
K. Financial Institution Partner Agreements
L. Nonfederal Share Commitment Letters
M. AFI Program Announcement
N. Standard Budget Forms for AFI Applications
O. Other Required Application Forms and Supplemental Materials

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Appendix M: Program Announcement

Assets for Independence Program Funding Opportunity Announcement HHS-2008-ACF-OCS-EI-0053 -- The official request for proposals that describes the Assets for Independence Program and application requirements. As originally published, the announcement did not include information about the Summer fundintg cycle. HHS issued a Modification to the AFI Program Funding Opportunity Announcement that includes information about the Summer cycle and the June 25 due date.

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Last Updated: December 22, 2008