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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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AFI Project Builder: Guide for Planning an AFI Project

Table of Contents
A. Selected IDA and Asset-Building Resources and Publications
B. Earned Income Tax Credit and Federal Poverty Information
C. Gathering Data on Your Target Population
D. AFI Project Reserve Accounts and Participant IDAs
E. Savings Plan Agreements
F. Marketing, Recruitment, and Retention of Participants
G. IDA Asset Cost Due Diligence Worksheets
H. Eligible Educational Institutions
I. Sample Job Description
J. Why Financial Institutions Want to Partner with AFI Projects
K. Financial Institution Partner Agreements
L. Nonfederal Share Commitment Letters
M. AFI Program Announcement
N. Standard Budget Forms for AFI Applications
O. Other Required Application Forms and Supplemental Materials

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Appendix H: Eligible Educational Institutions

The Assets for Independence program guidelines define the institutions eligible to receive funds for postsecondary education or training by reference to two other pieces of legislation: the Higher Education Act of 1965, sections 101 and 102; and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act.

In general, institutions that are eligible to receive Federal financial aid funds, such as Pell grants, or to work with Federal student loans, such as Direct Student Loans, and other Federal sources to support the costs of attendance, are eligible institutions under these definitions.

Many proprietary institutions fit the definitions, as do some, but not all, institutions that operate via distance learning and correspondence training. In addition, some, but not all, foreign institutions are eligible. In most cases, unions or professional organizations that provide training or certification are not eligible to receive AFI funds.

If you have any doubt about whether an institution is eligible, ask the business office to confirm whether they receive Federal financial aid funds, such as those listed above. You may also ask for their Federal code number associated with handling Federal financial aid for students. You can check their accreditation status at the U.S. Department of Education Web site shown below. Simply enter the institution's name; you do not need to provide other information, such as their accrediting agency or location.

U.S. Department of Education web site for checking accreditation:

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Last Updated: December 29, 2008