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GAZA CITY/RAMALLAH - The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has over 10,000 staff in Gaza, but their deployment has been severely restricted due to Israeli bombing and tank shelling, UNRWA spokesman Sami Mshasha said. full report

Nael, “I fear nothing now”
Water, sewage system “collapsing” in Gaza
Read this report in Arabic
OPT RSS feed
SUDAN: The land is fertile yet food is scarce

Sudan RSS feed
WEST AFRICA: But is it really trafficking?

TOGO: How to change a 'worst form of labour'
SOMALIA: "Too poor to escape the fighting"

Urgent help needed for thousands displaced in Galgadud
BURUNDI: FNL Prisoner release under way

No peace without prosperity - analysts
LESOTHO: Feeling the pinch of soaring food prices

"I want to be able to help others who don't have food"
PAKISTAN: Urgent need for better family planning - experts

• Militants announce ban on girls’ education
MAURITANIA: Water treks grow longer, rougher
SENEGAL: Scores flee town after riot over living conditions
TOGO: How to improve a “worst form of labour”
PAKISTAN: Militants announce ban on girls’ education in Swat
PAKISTAN: Growing unease in Kashmir over prospect of war
Middle East
ISRAEL-OPT: Gaza short of food
IRAQ: Iraqis want free food programme to continue, finds survey
PlusNews - HIV/AIDS News
PAKISTAN: Sex work a dangerous game
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: A helping hand for people living with HIV
SOUTH AFRICA: Edwin Smith, "No one talked about what killed my sister nor the ravages AIDS is causing"
UGANDA: Sheikh Muhamad Kibudde, "Amongst Muslims...there is a conspiracy of silence on HIV"
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SENEGAL: Forecasting the future in an erratic climate
THIES, 5 January 2009 (IRIN) - In the darkness after pre-dawn prayer a village elder would squint at the sky overhead, tilting his head back until his cap fell off, looking for a cluster of bright stars that signalled the middle of the rainy season. Now many traditional methods are becoming increasingly unreliable predictors due to climate variability, and African farmers already facing fluctuations need scientific data to help them adapt, farmers and climate experts say.
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SUDAN: It takes more than a law to stop the cut
KADUGLI, 5 January 2009 (IRIN) - A law passed in November 2008 prohibiting female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the state of Southern Kordofan is unique in Sudan. But for it to translate into genuine abolition, deep-seated attitudes and misinformation will have to be overcome.
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AFGHANISTAN: Little to eat for IDPs in makeshift Kabul camp
KABUL, 5 January 2009 (IRIN) - Azizullah's family left their home in the Sangin District of Helmand Province, southern Afghanistan, because of the worsening conflict, drought and food security situation. Their new home is a one-room mud-hut in the western outskirts of Kabul where over 4,500 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have established a makeshift camp.
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BANGLADESH: Acid attacks continue despite new laws
DHAKA, 5 January 2009 (IRIN) - Acid attacks against women and girls are continuing despite legal campaigns to halt their spread. Over 2,600 cases have been reported since 1999, according to the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) of Bangladesh.
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ISRAEL-OPT: Gaza rockets cause shock, fear in southern Israel
NETANYA, 2 January 2009 (IRIN) - Zulfira has been living in Sderot near the border with Gaza for 14 years. For the past eight years she endured Kassam rockets fired from Gaza. “I just pray,” she said.
full report
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 Most Read
PAKISTAN: Sex work a dangerous game
WEST AFRICA: But is it really trafficking?
PAKISTAN: Urgent need for better family planning - experts
SUDAN: The land is fertile yet food is scarce
IRAQ: Budget cuts threaten IDP housing projects
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