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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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Grantee Handbook

Table of Contents
Introduction to AFI Grant Management
OCS and OGM Roles for AFI Grant Administration
Official AFI Grant Documentation
Accessing AFI Grant Funds, Part 1: Direct Deposit
Accessing AFI Grant Funds, Part 2: Drawdown
AFI Reporting Requirements
Congressional Data Report Form Worksheet

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Accessing AFI grant funds is a two-part process. The first part is to set up direct deposit, using the Federal Standard Form 1199A, to prepare for receipt of grant funds from the HHS Payment Management System into the Project Reserve Account.

Following are the specific roles and steps required in order to arrange for direct deposit.

Grantee Role

Download a copy of standard Form 1199A  (see the sample form on the following page). Forms are available through the AFI Asset-Building Web site .

Follow the step-by-step instruction sheet , "Completing Standard Form 1199A-Direct Deposit," found in this section of the Handbook and fill out all required information.

The direct deposit form asks for several key pieces of information:

  • Official name of grantee organization (as shown on the FAA or as amended)
  • Official name of the Qualified Financial Institution (QFI) that will hold the Project Reserve Account (as shown on the approved grant application or as amended)
  • Original and authorized signatures of all parties

Note: If any of these items has changed since the time of the grant award, you must notify the Office of Grants Management in writing. Please ensure that all such notifications are original documents. (Please do not submit a document that has been revised using whiteout, for example.) These steps will avoid delays in setting up your direct deposit account.

Submit the original signed Standard Form 1199A to your grants management specialist in the Office of Grants Management and fax or send an unofficial copy to the Office of Community Services.

Office of Grants Management Role

Verify information provided on the 1199A by comparing it with what the grantee submitted with its AFI application.

Note: If the QFI named on the Standard Form 1199A differs from that named in the application, OGM will contact the grantee to seek clarification. The grantee will be advised to submit a letter indicating that the QFI has changed and the new partnership agreement signed by both the grantee and the QFI identifying the QFI's participation in the IDA program and its agreement to hold the Project Reserve Account. All of this new information will be shared with and cleared by the Office of Community Services before the actual change is approved by OGM.

Approve form. Once OGM has approved the 1199A, it transmits the form to the HHS Division of Payment Management. At this point, Payment Management links the AFI grant Payment Management Account to the grantee's account at the QFI. Now all is ready for the next second part of the process: drawdown of grant funds.

Please see "Accessing AFI Grant Funds, Part 2: Drawdown" for information about the process for requesting and receiving grant funds.

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Completing Standard Form 1199A-Direct Deposit

STEP 1: Download the form in PDF format from the AFI Asset-Building Web site. (See a reduced-size sample on next page.)

STEP 2: Complete the form by following the instructions below. (These instructions supersede instructions on the form itself. Please follow these instructions carefully.)

Section 1

  • Section A: Enter the grantee organization name, address, and telephone number. This information must be as it appeared in the approved grant application and in Box 11 of the financial assistance award (FAA) form. Please contact OGM before submitting this form if any of this information has changed.
  • Section B: Enter the name of the grantee organization (never put an individual's name) as shown on the approved grant application and the FAA. Please contact the Office of Grants Management if any of this information has changed.
  • Section C: Enter the grantee organization's employer identification number. This number must be as given on the approved grant application and in Box 22 on the FAA.
  • Section D: Enter the type of depositor account.
  • Section E: Enter the account number for the Project Reserve Account.
  • Section F: For the type of payment, enter "Other-grant award /nonprofit."
  • Section G: Leave blank
  • Payee/joint payee certification: Enter signature of the authorized official from the grantee organization and the date. (This is usually the authorized person named in the grant application, unless amended.)
  • Joint account holder's certification : Leave blank

Section 2

  • Government agency name: Enter "Division of Payment Management."
  • Government agency address: Enter "PO Box 6021, Rockville MD 20852."

Section 3

(To be completed by the Qualified Financial Institution.)

  • Name and address: Enter the name and address of the financial institution that will hold the Project Reserve Account. The financial institution must be the one noted in the approved grant application or as amended.
  • Routing number: The financial institution will enter this information.
  • Print financial institution representative's name.
  • Enter signature of the financial institution representative. This must be an original signature.
  • Enter the financial institution representative's telephone number.
  • Enter the date of signature.

STEP THREE: Review the form to be sure all information is correct. There may be no corrections, mark throughs, whiteout, or other changes on the original of the form. Submit the original Standard Form 1199A to OGM and OCS. Keep a copy for your records. Mail the original, with original signatures, to the Office of Grants Management. Mail, fax, or email a copy to the Office of Community Services.

Sample Form 1199A, page 1.

Sample Form 1199A, page 2.

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Last Updated: September 5, 2008