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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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Grantee Handbook

Table of Contents
Summary of Services
Using the AFI Resource Center
Asset-Building Web Site
ListServ Registration Form
Monthly Topical Conference Call Schedule and Registration Information

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The AFI Resource Center provides training and technical assistance to AFI Projects. The Center is managed by the Office of Community Services, with contract support from leading organizations in the asset-building field and other relevant partners.

AFI Training and Technical Assistance

An important part of the AFI Resource Center is the diverse array of training and technical assistance opportunities available to AFI Projects. These services include the following:

AFI Project Academies. Intensive, two-day effective practices training events for teams from AFI Projects and partners.

Topical conference calls and Web-based seminars. Facilitated conference calls or small group discussions on asset-building issues and AFI Project administrative matters.

Customized technical assistance:

  • Telephone or in-person assistance. One-on-one technical assistance on administrative or programmatic issues such as recruiting participants, providing financial literacy education, building partnerships, and closing out grants.
  • Intensive workshops. Intensive topical sessions for AFI Project representatives on administrative and policy issues.
  • Facilitated peer-to-peer exchanges. Opportunities for representatives of AFI Projects to learn firsthand from other AFI Projects.
  • Other assistance in keeping with the needs of AFI Projects. This includes effective-practice articles, success stories, and templates for project operations.

To keep up with Resource Center events and conference calls, you can check the AFI Events Calendar, which lists dates of AFI Project Academies, conference calls, and other activities of interest to grantees. You can access the Events Calendar by going to the AFI Asset-Building Web site . Select the heading "For Grantees" and then click on the Events Calendar.

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Assets for Independence Program Management Tool (AFI2)

The Assets for Independence Program Management Tool (AFI2) is a comprehensive Web-based management system designed specifically for grantee organizations. Available at no cost to AFI Project organizations and their partners, this secure system enables users to manage numerous key project functions, such as enrolling participants, determining participant eligibility, tracking participant attendance at training sessions, and monitoring IDA savings deposits. The tool enables AFI Projects to provide timely reports to OCS. To learn more about AFI2 , email or call the AFI2 help desk at 202-401-4626.

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AFI Asset-Building Web Site

The AFI Asset-Building Web site provides information about asset building, the AFI program, funding opportunities, and resources for grantees and others interested in asset building.

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The AFI ListServ is a tool that the AFI Resource Center and OCS use to share program-related information quickly and easily with AFI grantees. In addition, ListServ members may also post questions and share information about their AFI Projects. To subscribe, please send an email with your name, email address, phone number, AFI grantee organization, and grant year to . Or you may fax the ListServ registration form included in this Handbook.

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AFI Grantee Handbook

AFI Projects receive an AFI Grantee Handbook , a special binder containing useful AFI-specific information. This expandable and flexible resource book may be used as a reference for the duration of an AFI Project to organize and update tools and information about AFI, including policy memos, OCS contact information, project management tips, AFI Resource Center information, and even individual progress and financial reports. To request a copy, contact the AFI Resource Center at or call 202-402-4626.

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Guide For Grant Applicants

The AFI Project Builder: A Guide to Planning an Assets for Independence Project is a primer on designing an AFI Project. The guide provides information about AFI, ranging from identifying potential participants to delivering services. Grantees who already manage AFI Projects will also find its tips and resources, based on actual experience in AFI implementation, very helpful. The Project Builder can be downloaded in either PDF or HTML formats from the AFI Asset-Building Web site . Look under the heading "Apply for Funding" and click on "Project Builder." The Project Builder is in two parts: a narrative and a set of appendices. Be sure to download both parts. 

For more information, please contact the AFI Resource Center:

Assets for Independence Program
Office of Community Services
370 L'Enfant promenade, S.W., Suite 500 West
Washington DC 20447
Tel: 202-401-4626
Fax: 202-401-5718
Web site:

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Last Updated: September 5, 2008