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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families..Building Communities
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Grantee Handbook

Table of Contents
Introduction to AFI Grant Management
OCS and OGM Roles for AFI Grant Administration
Official AFI Grant Documentation
Accessing AFI Grant Funds, Part 1: Direct Deposit
Accessing AFI Grant Funds, Part 2: Drawdown
AFI Reporting Requirements
Congressional Data Report Form Worksheet

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Introduction to AFI Grant Management

This section of the Handbook offers a general explanation of the different roles and responsibilities of AFI Program staff in the Office of Community Services (OCS) and staff of the Office of Grants Management (OGM) who work with AFI grantees. Included as well are guidelines, primary documents, instructions and examples for reporting, and procedures for managing an AFI Project grant. The section explains and illustrates the following:

OCS and OGM Roles for AFI grant administration . Summarizes how each office supports AFI implementation and which office grantees should communicate with for information about various project activities and requirements.

Official AFI grant documentation . Explains the award documents: the financial assistance award documents and the standard and special terms and conditions documents. Describes their importance and provides a place for your own award documents.

Accessing AFI grant funds, Part 1: Direct Deposit . Explains how to set up direct deposit specifically for an AFI grant, and includes detailed instructions for completing Standard Form 1199A. 

Assessing AFI grant funds, Part 2: Drawdown . Provides guidance, detailed instructions, and sample forms and letters for drawing down AFI grant funds. These procedures are specific to the AFI Program.

AFI reporting requirements . Explains the content of financial reports, narrative program progress reports, and data reports for the annual report to Congress. Offers detailed instructions on how to complete the reports and where to submit them, as well as a report checklist that you may customize with your specific reporting dates.

Last Updated: September 5, 2008