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Appendix D: Moderator Guides

Parent Staff


A Feasibility Study of Head Start

Recruitment and Enrollment


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Parent Focus Group





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October 1999


A Feasibility Study of Head Start Recruitment and Enrollment Procedures                                                                          Parent Focus Group


A Feasibility Study of Head Start Recruitment and Enrollment Procedures


1. Introduction (5 Minutes)

Hello. Thank you all for coming today.
My name is _______________ and I will be the moderator for the session today. I work for a company called (Abt Associates/The CDM Group), a research firm located in (Cambridge, MA/Chevy Chase, MD). I would also like to introduce _______________ who is (also from/from) (Abt Associates/The CDM Group). He/she will be taking some notes and helping me during the session today.

Purpose of the Group
As you know, the purpose of this session is for us to talk about recruitment and enrollment at Head Start.

Role of the Moderator
My role as moderator will be to direct the flow of the discussion and keep us on track. I need to make sure we get through all the topics in the next hour and a half. In order to do so and to make sure everyone has a chance to contribute to the discussion, I have a few guidelines for the session.

Guidelines for the Session

Confidentiality. Anything that is said in this discussion will be strictly confidential. Nobody's name will be associated with any opinions included in the report. So, please feel free to express your opinions.

Frank opinions on the topics under discussion. We asked you to come today because what you have to say is important. We want to know exactly how you feel on the topics under discussion. It's important that I hear from each of you. Some of you may not feel comfortable talking at first. If I notice that as the discussion progresses, I'm not hearing from all of you, or that I'm hearing from some of you a lot, I may call on someone directly.

You may comment on the opinion of others. We do not expect that everyone here will agree or disagree on a given issue or point of view. We ask, however, that you respect each other's opinions. You may tell us that you disagree with what ________ said, and proceed to tell us what you think on that given topic. Just always do so in a respectful manner. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.

Audio taping. This session is being tape recorded so that we will have an accurate record of what was said and so that it will be easier for us to write our report. I want to assure you again, that you will never be mentioned by name.

Speak loudly enough to be heard by everyone. It is important that everyone hears what you have to say and for us it is especially important that the tape recorders pick up what you say. So please speak loudly and clearly.

Talking over each other. When the discussion starts to get exciting, you may want to say what you are thinking without waiting for someone else to finish. That is exactly when we want to ensure that we hear everyone. So, I'm asking that you talk one-at-a time, and avoid side conversations so I don't miss any of what you are saying.

Hand Gestures. In order to ensure the discussion follows these guidelines, I have found some hand gestures work pretty well. I am not being rude, but trying to communicate to you without speaking. By using them, it allows me to guide the discussion more efficiently without getting my voice on the tape more than necessary. The first is (palm up and raising the hand up and down) indicates you are not speaking loudly enough so please speak up. Second (pointing at a participant) means I am recognizing you and it is your turn to speak. Third (fingers up as if to say stop) means I want you to hold that thought for a moment while another person finishes what they are saying. Finally, (holding palms parallel to the floor and fingers from the left hand about an inch above the fingers of the right hand, moving hands back and forth in opposite lateral direction) this indicates people are talking over each other and someone should back up and hold their point so it does not get lost. The tape cannot separate overlapping speech and we don't want to miss your point.

Are there any questions so far?

Style. It is important to me that you are comfortable here today. If you feel uncomfortably warm or cold, or anything else, please let me know and we will try to address that.

[OPTIONAL]. Feel free to move around the room to stretch if you need to. You can get up to get a beverage or leave to go to the rest room at any time.

For everyone's comfort and safety, we are asking you not to smoke during the session.

Warm-up Exercise (5 minutes)

I'd like to start by having us get to know a little bit about each other. Could you please briefly tell us: [Go around the table]

  • Your first name;
  • Where you live; and
  • Your child's favorite thing to do.


(5 minutes)

Let's begin our discussion this evening by talking about preschool and child care choices available to parents with young children. Each of you have a four or five-year old child. Think about a place where you would like this child to spend the day.



Please tell me what the place would be like by describing it in a few words. For example, "It would be a place where . . ."
[Note on easel - OPTIONAL]



- (15 minutes)

Now, let's talk about Head Start.



What do you know about Head Start?
2.1a arrow Describe Head Start for me.
2.1b arrow What happens at Head Start?



What does Head Start do for children?
2.2a arrow How does Head Start benefit children?



What does Head Start do for families?
2.3a arrow How does Head Start benefit families?



What does Head Start do for the community?
2.4a arrow How does Head Start benefit the community?

2.5   How did you learn about Head Start?



Now let's talk about other preschool or child care services available in your community.



What are some of the other choices parents have for preschool or child care in your community?

[Please check if mentioned]

  3.1a arrow Family Day Care
  3.1b arrow Day Care Centers
  3.1c arrow Nurseries
  3.1d arrow Child Development Centers
  3.1e arrow Public Preschool
  3.1f arrow Cared for by own family members
  3.1g arrow Other

3.2   I'd like to ask each of you to tell me a little about your current arrangement(s) for child care and/or preschool? [Go around the table]
3.2a arrow How satisfied are you with it? Why?

3.3 Thinking now about preschool and child care services available for children in this community, how do these other programs compare to Head Start?
3.3a arrow What do they offer that differs from Head Start?

[Please check if mentioned]

  3.3a(1) arrow Affordable
  3.3a(2) arrow Convenient to home
  3.3a(3) arrow Quality
  3.3a(4) arrow Hours
  3.3a(5) arrow Services you cannot get at Head Start
  3.3a(6) arrow All my children can attend
  3.3a(7) arrow More like school
  3.3a(8) arrow Transportation
  3.3a(9) arrow Other ______



- (20 Minutes)

Next, I would like to talk about why families decide to send their child to Head Start. Some of you have a child who attended Head Start for a short time; some have a child who never attended Head Start. For the next couple of questions, I would like to talk with those of you with a child that never attended Head Start. [Ask for a show of hands]



What are some of the other choices parents have for preschool or child care in your community?

[Please check if mentioned]

  4.1a arrow issues of welfare requirements
  4.1b arrow work schedule
  4.1c arrow changes in income (over income)
  4.1d arrow school
  4.1e arrow training
  4.1f arrow transportation
  4.1g arrow changes in your household
  4.1h arrow change in child care arrangements
  4.1i arrow health
  4.1j arrow housing changes
  4.1k arrow dissatisfaction with the Head Start program
  4.1l arrow a more convenient or appropriate program
  4.1m arrow child not ready to be in school
  4.1n arrow child not ready to be in school
  4.1o arrow Other



What were your other choices?


Did you talk to anyone at Head Start about your decision not to attend?
4.3a arrow Did they call you or did you call them?
4.3b arrow How did Head Start respond when they learned you decided not to attend?



What could Head Start have done that might have changed your decision not to attend Head Start?
4.4a arrow What, why, and when?



- (20 Minutes)

Now, let's talk a little bit about why families begin Head Start, but then decide to leave. For the next couple of questions, I would like to talk with those of you have a child who attended Head Start for a short time, but did not continue. [Ask for show of hands]

5.1 What made you decide to leave Head Start?
[Please check if mentioned]
  5.1a arrow issues of welfare requirements
  5.1b arrow work schedule
  5.1c arrow changes in income (over income)
  5.1d arrow school
  5.1e arrow training
  5.1f arrow transportation
  5.1g arrow changes in your household
  5.1h arrow change in child care arrangements
  5.1i arrow health
  5.1j arrow housing changes
  5.1k arrow dissatisfaction with the Head Start program
  5.1l arrow a more convenient or appropriate program
  5.1m arrow child not ready to be in school
  5.1n arrow Other



Did you talk to anyone at Head Start about your decision to leave?
5.2a arrow Did they call you or did you call them?
5.2b arrow How did Head Start respond when they learned that you decided to leave?

5.3 What could Head Start have done that might have changed your decision not to leave?
5.3a arrow What, why, and when?


6.0. WRAP-UP

(5 minutes)

6.1   What other comments or observations would you like to add about Head Start?


Those are all of the questions I have for this session. You have been very helpful. Thank you very much for coming and helping us with this project.



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