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Appendix C: Summary Table of Family/Household Databases

Table 2-4 Characteristics of All Head Start Eligible Children by Data Set1
Fall 1997
1993 Survey
1993 Panel Wave 9
NLSY Children:
1996 Survey
Findings from the PSID, SIPP and NLSY are based on a weighted sample size. Weighted numbers are in thousands. Please note that
both weighted and unweighted samplesizes
are shown. The unweighted n is below the weighted n
Enrolled Eligible
Not enrolled
Not enrolled
Not enrolled
Characteristic (n = 3,156) (n = 1,158)
(n = 142)
(n = 1,171)
(n = 150)
(n = 418)
(n = 59)
(n = 2,656)
(n = 395)
(n = 108)
(n = 35)
(n = 500)
(n = 186)
Family Description
Number in Household2
Number in Family Mean = 4.5 Mean = 4.6 Mean = 4.3 Mean = 4.3 Mean = 4.6 Mean = 4.5 Mean = 4.5
Number of children under 18 years Mean = 2.6 Mean = 3.0 *Mean = 2.6 Mean = 2.8 Mean = 3.0 Mean = 3.3 Mean = 3.0
Child Race3
White (non-Hispanic) 27.4% 41.2% *60.1% 28.9% *44.5% 48.3% *43.9%
Black (non-Hispanic) 36.9 48.0 *24.8 49.1 *23.1 42.6 *32.7
American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 1.9 0.4 0.0 1.5 1.1 5.9 *11.8
Asian or Pacific Islander 1.1 0.0 0.0 2.3 *4.2 0.0 0.0
Hispanic 24.2 7.3 5.2 18.2 *27.1 3.2 *11.6
Age of Primary Caregiver4
Less than 20 years 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 3.2% *0.7% ----- -----
20-29 years 59.3 38.9 37.8 64.7 *51.3 ----- -----
30-39 years 29.0 38.6 38.6 24.5 *37.5 ----- -----
40 years and older 9.3 22.5 23.6 7.6 *10.5 ----- -----
  Mean = 29.7 Mean = 33.4 Mean = 34.9 Mean = 29.3 Mean = 30.7 Mean = 34.6 Mean = 34.6
  Median =28.0 Median = 30.0 Median =33.0 Median=27.0 Median = 29.0 Median = 35.0 Median = 35.0
Marital Status
Married 42.2% 26.1% *37.9% 20.7% *45.9% 12.5% * 29.1%
Formerly Married 21.3 36.0 31.5 24.93 27.03 52.5 *40.2
Never Married 36.0 37.9 30.7 54.38 *27.08 35.0 *32.7
Primary Caregiver's Education5
Less than High School Diploma 27.6% 49.0% 45.4% 40.8% 39.6% 30.9% *33.6%
High School Diploma/GED 36.5 41.2 30.1 38.8 34.6 33.6 *35.4
Some College/Bachelor's Degree or Higher 36.3 9.9 24.6 0.5 *25.8 35.5 *30.6
Currently In School or Training 22.8% ----- ----- 17.0% *11.4% 3.0% *3.6%
Employment Status6
Employed: Full-time 34 .4% 21.8% 26.9% 16.6% 17.2% 26.7% *23.9%
Employed: Part-time 17.4 25.1 21.6 9.2 8.3 5.9 *11.4
Unemployed 19.7 11.8 11.9 16.4 *7.3 14.1 *9.1
Not in Labor Force 28.0 40.6 32.7 57.8 *67.3 53.2 *51.9
Multiple Jobs Concurrently7 3.9% 1.8% *10.4% 2.4% *1.0% 0.0% *0.5%
Family Income and Program Participation
Total Family Annual Income8
Mean $14,907 $11,276 $12,133 $10,649 *$12,928 $12,593 $11,296
Median $13,200 $8,904 $8,568 $9,930 $10,200 $8,748 $10,368
Federal Poverty Level (FPL)9
Income < 50% of FPL 16.90% 35.9% 42.6% 42.3% *34.9% 23.4% *41.7%
Income between 50-99% of FPL 36.91 53.9 *35.1 40.3 *51.0 56.8 *42.4
Income between 100- 199% of FPL 36.23 4.1 *13.9 15.0 *10.4 12.3 13.3
Income 200% or greater than FPL 9.97 6.1 8.4 2.4 3.7 7.5 *3.5
Other Sources of Support
AFDC 30.6% 70.8% *56.2% 62.3% *44.5% 69.5% *38.3%
Supplemental Security Income 13.4 20.0 *4.6 14.0 *9.8 10.2 *18.2
WIC 56.1 ----- ----- 42.2 *28.4 68.7 *45.1
Food Stamps 50.2 81.8 *56.4 70.0 *57.2 80.2 *50.2
Public or Subsidized Housing 22.1% 37.4% *21.1% 41.1% *23.8% 23.7% *19.4%
Number of Moves in Previous 12 Months10
None 64.3% 71.5% 70.3%        
One or More 35.2 28.5 29.7 ----- ----- ----- -----
    ----- -----        
Health Status/Insurance Coverage
Primary Caregiver Health Status11
Excellent 21.3% 7.8% * 20.4%        
Very Good 28.4 33.2 28.5        
Good 33.8 40.7 *24.5 ----- ----- ----- -----
Fair 14.4 11.5 *23.4        
Poor 2.2 6.8 2.6        
Child Health Status
Excellent 44.8%     32.1% *37.7%    
Very Good 30.5     19.5 *25.3    
Good 18.0 ----- ----- 16.8 *10.3 ----- -----
Fair 6.2     4.5 6.0    
Poor 0.4     0.0 *1.3    
Child Disability 17.6% ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.1% *2.1%
Child Health Insurance Coverage12
Private 31.4%     10.9% *18.8% 51.2% * 45.7%
Medicaid 59.3 55.8% 51.4% 76.3 *70.5 81.7% *57.3
Other ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Child Care Arrangements
Family/Friend 19.2% ----- ----- 44.6% 42.3% ----- -----
Family Day Care 2.4     6.3 6.3    
Center Based Day Care 6.1     22.6 25.0    
Hours/Week in Primary Arrangement Mean = 19.2 ----- ----- Mean = 28.2 Mean = 29.6 ----- -----

1 An asterisk represents a significant difference between eligible enrolled vs. eligibl e not enrolled children in each dataset per characteristic analyzed. Statistical significance was tested at the .05 level.(back)

2 FACES-Household is defined as the household in which the Head Start child resides.
PSID-Household is defined as the household of the head (respondent). In the household, other related or non-related family units may be included.. ‘Family’ refers to a family unit that are related by blood or marriage.
SIPP-Household is defined as the household of the ‘household reference person’ (respondent) and may include related and non-related persons. ‘Family’ refers to a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside together.
NLSY-Household refers to all individuals sharing the respondent’s primary residence at the time of the interview. A family includes all those in the household related by bloodmarriage or adoption.(back)

3FACES-Race refers to that of the Head Start child
PSID-Race refers to the Head of Household
SIPP-Race refers to the race of the child
NLSY-Race refers to the race of the mother(back)

4FACES-The Primary Caregiver is defined as the person most responsible for the daily care of the Head Start child. 88% of the respondents were the mother.
PSID-Refers to the Head of Household
SIPP-The Primary Caregiver is defined as the designated parent or guardian of the child (as reported by the SIPP respondent).
NLSY-Primary Caregiver refers to the respondent. The NLSY CHILDREN sample includes children born to female NLSY79 respondents. These women were between 14 and 21 years of age on January 1, 1979, and consequently, were between the ages of 31 and 38 during the 1996 survey.(back)

5 FACES-Education was defined as the highest grade or degree completed.
PSID-Refers to Head of Household
SIPP & NLSY -Education was d efined as the highest grade completed. Thus, if a person completed 12(th) grade, it was assumed that the person graduated high school. Anyone reporting more than 12 years was placed into ‘some college.’(back)

6FACES-Employment Status: ‘Employed’ indicates those who were currently employed. ‘Part-time’ employment is working less than 30 hours per week. ‘Unemployed’ refers to those who were currently unemployed but were available and looking for work. ‘Not in Labor Force’ refers to those who were currently unemployed and not looking for work.
PSID-Refers to Head of Household
SIPP-Employment Status: ‘Employed’ indicates those who were employed or self-employed during the previous month. ‘Part-time’ employment is working less than 30 hours per week. ‘Unemployed’ refers to those who were not employed during the previous month but were available for and looking for work. ‘Not in Labor Force’ refers to those who were neither employed nor unemployed.
NLSY-Employment Status: ‘Employed’ indicates those who were employed or self-employed during the previous week. ‘Part-time’ employment is working less than 30 hours per week. ‘Unemployed’ refers to those who were not employed during the previous week but were available for and looking for work. ‘Not in Labor Force’ includes retired, disabled, and those not in the labor force for some other reason.(back)

7 FACES-Based on whether currently working more than one job concurrently.
PSID-Based on whether ever worked more than two jobs concurrently in past year
SIPP-Based on whether the amount of wage and salary jobs worked during the reference month.
NLSY-Based on wether worked more than one job/business in the last week.(back)

8FACES-Based on the income of those living in the household.
SIPP-Total Family Annual income include income of related family members(see footnote 1) reported the 1995 calendar year.
NLSY-Total Family Annual income include income of related family members(see footnote 1) reported the 1995 calendar year. NLSY income includes amounts received for Food Stamps.(back)

9Frequencies for poverty level were calculated only using families with data on both family size and family income.(back)

10FACES-Based on the number of moves in the past 12 months.
PSID - One move means ‘one or more moves’ in the past year.(back)

11 FACES-Refers to the person most responsible for the daily care of the Head Start child.
PSID - Refers to Head of Household.(back)

12FACES-Insurance coverage of the Head Start child is defined as current health insurance coverage other than Medicaid. Medicaid coverage refers to the household.
PSID-Only reports on Medicaid.
SIPP-Insurance Coverage is defined as having health insurance coverage the previous month. ‘Private’ includes private insurance, CHAMPUS, CHAMPVA, and military coverage. ‘Medicaid’ indicates that the child was covered by Medicaid.
NLSY-Insurance Coverage is defined as having health insurance coverage at the time of the interview . ‘Private’ includes “health insurance provided wither by an employer or by an individual plan.”. ‘Medicaid’ indicates that the child was covered by Medicaid at the time of the interview.(back)

13SIPP-Child care arrangements include data on the primary child care arrangement (if there were multiple arrangements) used for 10 hours or more per week.(back)


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