Amcham - American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia
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American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia


American Chamber of
Commerce in Croatia

Radnička 47
10000 ZAGREB

Tel: +385.(0)1.4836.777
Tel: +385.(0)1.4836.778
Fax: +385.(0)1.4836.776  

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

update: prosinac 22, 2008

to be announced, March 30 & 31,2009
This year, as in the past years, an extensive program will be prepared. Special emphasis at this Fifth conference will be put on analysis of present crisis, as on a debate how to conduct business, and what are the possibilities to do business successfully in the critical periods.

For more information please read the document in the attach.
Join us at the Fifth Annual International Conference on the Real Estate Market in Croatia. We are very pleased to announce
the first jubilee – five years of
continuous conference holding. American Chamber of Commerce has been supporting this exceptional event since the beginning. During the past four years the conferences hosted 350 speakers on 80 panels with
1850 participants from 23 countries.
SPEED DATING IN BUSINESS- Swept off your feet in a matter of minutes
Looking for some fun networking and no time to waste? Think about speed dating, but in business of course, and visit our Speed Dating in Business networking cocktails.
New US Chamber Vice President for Europe and Eurasia
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today announced that Dr. Mark T. Esper has been named Vice President, Europe and Eurasia.
The 2009 will be the year of change for both sides of the Atlantic.

Download: news812200814378.htm
Cvijeće u jutarnjem sivilu- Noć tisuću večera
U jutarnjem sivilu uzrokovanom kišom, neobična je pojava u Savskoj ulici, oduševila građane Zagreba pri njihovom uobičajenom putu na posao.
Natječaj za izradu novog vizualnog identiteta komore- ZATVOREN
Natječaj za izradu novoga identiteta je zatvoren. Zahvaljujemo svima koji su poslali svoje zadatke jer smo ih primili pregršt. Svi poslani radovi su navedeni na stranici www.amcham.
TBWA\Zagreb received awards at the Outward 2008 and Ambienta fair
Fall has finally come to us. It dressed the trees in yellow, brown and red. Who does not get excited for the wonderful fall colors? And delicious, juicy, ripe fruits that bend the heavy branches. Grapes and olives. Oranges and mandarins.

Download: news18112008122613.pdf
AmCham supported project: McDonald’s Hrvatska is organizing a charity initiative
McDonald’s Hrvatska is organizing a charity initiative on the occasion of the World Children’s Day celebrated on 20th November, for the 7th consequent year, within the global McDonald’s charity initiative organized in more than 100 countries around t ...

Download: news18112008114950.pdf
News & Views ... download PDF 
News & Views ... download PDF

AmCham Position Papers

Sporazum o dvostrukom oporezivanju

Harmonizing with EU
Harmonizing with EU
>> press download <<

HGK Voluntary Vs. Compulsory membership (english)
HGK Voluntary Vs. Compulsory membership (croatian)

Members only area


News&Views 2006 no. 7:
Remarks by H.E. Robert Anthony Bradtke, U.S. Ambassador to Croatia
News&Views 2006 no. 5:

BARR Pharmaceuticals President and CEO Paul M. Bisaro

News&Views 2006 no. 1:

Head of Mission, Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia H.E. Vincent Degert

News&Views 2005 no. 5:

President Stjepan Mesić

News&Views 2005 no. 3:

President of the Croatian Employers Association
Emil Tedeschi

News&Views 2005 no. 3:

Minister of the Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

News&Views 2005 no. 1:

Minister of Justice
Vesna Škare-Ožbolt

veljača 2, 2007
The Business Opportunities Book


The American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia (AmCham Croatia ) is the voice of US and other international businesses in Croatia and of Croatian businesses abroad. AmCham Croatia is committed to ensuring an optimum business and investment climate in Croatia, promoting the highest standards of free-market commercial practice. AmCham Croatia facilitates the resolution of issues that impact business in Croatia and represents a membership that employs over 38,000 persons, generating over $5 billion of revenue. Total US investment in Europe amounts to $964 billion, and currently supports over 3.6 million jobs, with AmCham Croatia also being an integral member of the European Council of the American Chambers of Commerce, networking 37 countries throughout Western and Central Europe.

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  © 1998 - 2009 AmCham Croatia. Member of the AmCham Network.  Web development: Aranea