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Physics World
Volume 22 No 1
January 2009


Breaking new ground

Jon Cartwright tells the story of a physicist who thinks earthquake prediction could be possible

Seeing in the quantum world

Barry Sanders describes how to visualize a quantum computer

And the survey says...

The results of a special readers' survey are now in...

Quiz of the year 2008

The answers are all based on events that have been reported in Physics World over the last 12 months. There is a prize of £50 for the reader who gets the most questions right


Critical Point: Science toys

Robert P Crease meets avid toy collector Tim Rowett

Reasons to be cheerful

The economy may be in a nosedive but there is plenty to look forward to in science this year


Atomic arias

Oppenheimer takes centre stage, reports Robert P Crease

Web life: The Periodic Table of Videos

A periodic table with links to videos on all 118 chemical elements


tweezers thumbnail

Optical tweezers: where physics meets biology

Joost van Mameren explains how optical tweezers can unravel the mechanical properties of biological molecules

Measuring ultrashort pulses needs precision

Marie Freebody speaks to Rick Trebino about the intricacies of measuring ultrashort pulses and how the devices that characterize such pulses can be commercialized

Phoenix unlocks the icy history of Mars

Jacqueline Hewett speaks to Peter Smith, the principal investigator on NASA's Phoenix mission to Mars

Jenoptik looks to solar for future growth

Michael Mertin is the man responsible for Jenoptik's recent restructure and securing future growth. Jacqueline Hewett asks him how heavily photovoltaics features in these plans

Plasmonics propagates into new optical fields

Marie Freebody speaks to Niek van Hulst about the potential wealth of applications for plasmonics

Menlo takes frequency combs to the masses

Nadya Anscombe discovers how Nobel prize winning research has been turned into a practical product

Featured Journal Article

On the correspondence principle: implications from a study of the nonlinear dynamics of a macroscopic quantum device Jan 7, 2009

M J Everitt 2009 New J. Phys. 11 013014

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Headline news

How massive stars form Jan 15, 2009

Big stars, like small ones, can form by accretion after all

Broadband invisibility cloak unveiled Jan 15, 2009

New device conceals objects over 4 GHz frequency range

Sand pushes Martian rocks into place Jan 13, 2009

The curious distribution of rocks has a simple explanation, say geophysicists

Construction set to start on $900m light source Jan 13, 2009 1 comment

More than 2000 scientists per year will use new Brookhaven facility


Is interactive physics the way forward? Jan 15, 2009

The physics department at MIT has decided to improve their intro undergraduate courses by swapping lectures for interactive lessons. The problem is that the students detest it...

A new type of superfluidity? Jan 14, 2009

Superfluid behaviour observed in polariton condensate...


Knowledge Exchange HEI Relationship Manager (2 posts) - Swindon, UK

Posting date: Jan 13, 2009
Closing date: Jan 30, 2009
Swindon, United Kingdom

Egypt-IBM Nanotechnology Research Center - Giza, Egypt

Posting date: Jan 5, 2009
Giza, Egypt

UK/Ireland Technical Sales Engineer – Scientific Instrumentation - Leatherhead, UK

Posting date: Dec 22, 2008
Leatherhead, Surrey, United Kingdom

Postdoctoral researcher in Physics(m/f) - Campus Limpertsberg, Luxembourg

Posting date: Dec 18, 2008
Closing date: Jan 17, 2009
Campus Limpertsberg, Luxembourg

Postdoc Position in Theoretical Physics/Statistical Physics of Biological Systems - Freiburg, Germany

Posting date: Dec 17, 2008
Freiburg, Germany

Full Professor - Biomedical Imaging - Enschede, Netherlands

Posting date: Jan 15, 2009
Closing date: Feb 2, 2009
Enschede, Netherlands