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ASCE Ensuring Infrastructure's Vital Role in Stimulus

US Capitol

Reinvestment in the nation's infrastructure is virtually a given as a key component of any economic stimulus package that will be approved in the coming weeks. ASCE's longtime, respected leadership on infrastructure issues is giving the Society a prime seat at discussions with Congress and the Obama transition team over responsibly funding projects of greatest need and greatest potential. ASCE senior leadership has issued a set of guiding principles that it believes leaders in Washington should abide by, including specific criteria that should be met for launching projects that would create jobs and address critical infrastructure needs. With a stimulus the best opportunity in many years to accomplish long-neglected works, ASCE will keep making the case for infrastructure investment. Other steps by ASCE senior leaders are forthcoming and will be announced here as they are made.

  • Get updates on the status of the stimulus and ASCE's actions in response. Click here for Our Failing Infrastructure, the ASCE Government Relations blog.
  • Read the Principles for Infrastructure Stimulus Investment, as put forth by ASCE's senior leadership team, here. (PDF file)
  • ASCE President Wayne Klotz's latest blog urges members to contact Congress and encourage them to support infrastructure in the stimulus. Read the blog here.
  • Read the testimony given by ASCE leaders last fall before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee here.
ASCE Annual Conference

New President Klotz Declares
'Year of the Civilization Engineer'

The 2008 Annual Conference ended with the traditional passing of the gavel from Past President David G. Mongan, P.E., F.ASCE, to 2009 President D. Wayne Klotz, P.E., D.WRE., F.ASCE. In his inaugural address, the new president reiterated the priorities for his year as "ABC" — Advocacy, Benefits and Change. Calling on fellow professionals to take more credit for the work they do, Klotz said, "Today, I declare this to be the Year of the Civilization Engineer! To do anything else would diminish our contribution to society. You better believe it."

  • Read 2009 President Klotz's inaugural address here
  • View photo galleries from each day of the Annual Conference here.
  • View videos from the Annual Conference here.

Gusset Plates' Flaw Led to I-35W Collapse, NTSB Rules

I-35W Collapse

The I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis on August 1, 2007, was caused by inadequate gusset plates that could no longer support the combined weight of bridge improvements over the years plus additional construction equipment and supplies. The plates' failure caused a collapse that killed 13 people and injured 145. About 24 of the gusset plates, which held the bridge's beams together, were made with only half the thickness required, a failure not caught when the bridge was built in the mid-'60s. Along with its findings, the NTSB has issued nine safety recommendations to federal and state highway officials. "Bridge designers, builders, owners, and inspectors will never look at gusset plates quite the same again, and as a result, these critical connections in a bridge will receive the attention they deserve," said NTSB Acting Chairman Mark V. Rosenker.

  • Get to the NTSB's synopsis and an archived webcast of its findings, plus ASCE's coverage here.

Anti-Corruption Film 'Ethicana' Debuts at Conference

ACET panel

While in Pittsburgh, ASCE members attended the premier of a dramatic film intended as a powerful exercise in how to not only keep from falling prey to corruption in the global construction and engineering industries, but also have the ethical courage to expose it. "Ethicana" is the centerpiece of the Global Anti-Corruption Education and Training (ACET) Initiative, of which ASCE is a cooperating agency. After watching the 41-minute film, members and ACET panel members discussed its message and its potential to make a difference.

  • See highlights of "Ethicana" and find out more about the Global ACET Initiative here.

External Review Panel Issues Final Comments On IPET New Orleans Analysis

Three years after Hurricane Katrina roared ashore, and in the wake of Hurricane Gustav, ASCE's External Review Panel has issued its final set of comments on the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force's New Orleans analysis of Katrina's impact. While the ERP noted significant improvement over earlier drafts of the IPET report, and found little fault in the report's technical merits, the group did take issue with the unnecessary softening of a few of the report's assessments. The ERP also continued to call for greater clarity in IPET's risk assessment, due to its essential impact on long-term protection for the region.

  • Read the ERP's comments to the task force here (PDF).
  • Follow ASCE's efforts to investigate and explain the impact of Katrina on New Orleans. Click here.

Civil Engineers Push for Historic Education and Licensure Changes

Next fall's class of civil engineering freshmen will witness historic changes in education and licensure during their careers. Guided by the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century, changes already underway in accreditation, curricula and licensure will better prepare them to be leaders and innovators. ASCE has released the second edition of the Body of Knowledge. In this new report, many of the original concepts and ideas have been clarified and sharpened, and their implementation will lead to the revision of current undergraduate and post-undergraduate education.

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