January 2009

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Korean Immigrants in the United States
January 5 — The 1.0 million Korean immigrants residing in the United States in 2007 accounted for 2.7 percent of all US immigrants. MPI's Aaron Terrazas examines their socioeconomic characteristics, where they live, and the size of the Korean-born unauthorized population.
The Difficulties of US Asylum Claims Based on Sexual Orientation
October 29 — In the United States, asylum on the basis of sexual orientation was first granted in 1994. Swetha Sridharan of the Council on Foreign Relations explains why US immigration law focuses on sexual identity rather than sexual conduct, and what this distinction has meant for asylum seekers.
Hispanic Voter Attitudes and the 2008 US Elections
October 23 — Latinos in the United States are a fast-growing community that is strategically situated in the 2008 elections. Mark Hugo Lopez and Susan Minushkin of Pew Hispanic Center review the results of a recent survey of Hispanic voters.
Obama's Homeland Security Selection Viewed as Focused on Immigration
December 15 — MPI's Muzaffar Chishti and Claire Bergeron report on Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano's nomination to head homeland security, changes to the H-2A program, suspension of a refugee family-reunification program, and more.
Studying Second-Generation Immigrants: Methodological Challenges and Innovative Solutions
To study the second generation, researchers need both demographic information and information that can only be learned through surveys and interviews. Douglas D. Heckathorn of Cornell University provides an overview of Census Bureau data and a relatively new methodology useful for immigrant research.
More than a third of all Indian immigrants in the United States arrived in 2000 or later. Click here for more information..
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