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Learn Greek and Latin!

Textkit was created to help you learn Ancient Greek and Latin!

Textkit is the Internet's largest provider of free and fully downloadable Greek and Latin grammars and readers. With currently 146 free books to choose from, Greek and Latin learners have downloaded 687,131 grammars, readers and classical e-books.

There are also many other areas of Textkit which can help you learn Greek and Latin. Register in our Forum where you can meet and learn Greek and Latin with other learners. Join a Textkit Study Group where you can move through a textbook at a set schedule with others. Subscribe to our newsletter. With a subscription you'll be able to download our growing collection of Greek and Latin answer keys. Explore Textkit Tutorials - a growing collection of in-depth Greek and Latin grammar discussions. Finally, check out our newest area, Textkit Vocabulary, where you can create entirely free online vocabulary courses complete with quizzes.

You can get started by visiting our Learn Ancient Greek and Learn Latin areas to find more downloadable grammars, readers, lexicons and dictionaries.

Textkit's Top 5 Greek Downloads

Greek Grammar, William W. Goodwin
First Greek Book, John Williams White
Greek Prose Composition, North and Hillard
Greek Grammar, Herbert Weir Smyth

Textkit's Top 5 Latin Downloads

Latin For Beginners, Benjamin L. D'Ooge
Beginner's Latin Book, Collar and Daniell
A Latin Grammar, Charles E. Bennett
New Latin Grammar, Allen & Greenough
A New Latin Prose Composition, Charles E. Bennett


  Service Box »» About Textkit 

Site Overview: If it's your goal to learn Greek or Latin, we invite you to join us! Since 2002, Textkit has grown from just 6 visitors our first month to over 105,000 monthly unique visitors. Textkit is an all free language education website. Our core content is our library of freely downloadable Greek and Latin language books but Textkit is more than a document archive, it's a Learning Community.

Snapshot of Textkit Community
Newsletter Subscribers: 23,746
Forum Members: 5,656
Vocabulary Enrollees: 4,395

Textkit Resouces
Language Books Available For Download: 146
Vocabulary Words Available For Study: 1,529
Forum Posts: 71,125

Problems, Comments, Suggestions? Contact Us
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Textkit is pleased to offer five works of Arthur Sidgwick. Sidgwick, a master of Greek Composition, is appreciated by students and educators for his witty and lively passages.


Advance your learning journey with Textkit's free newsletter, Textkit News. Textkit News is a light mailing that will let you know when new grammars, readers and e-books have been posted. It also features informative articles and other learning content prepared by the Textkit Team. Your subscription also grants you access to special subscribers only area where you can freely download our answer keys. So be sure to subscribe today! Click Here For More Info

Register in Textkit's forum, The Greek and Latin Forum. The Forum is where you can go to ask questions about learning Greek and Latin and discuss topics with other Textkit visitors with similar interests. Register here!

Join Textkit supported Study Groups! Study Groups are e-mail mailing lists that allow you to work through Greek and Latin textbooks along with other learners. Click here learn more about study groups and to see which Greek and Latin study groups are forming.

Enroll in Textkit's free Vocabulary Tool where you can create your own custom online vocabulary courses that are e-mail to you at your own pace. Enroll now and sign-up for a free online vocabulary course today!

Textkit's Mission
Textkit was created to help you learn Greek and Latin. We are a free online learning resource that provides downloadable Greek and Latin grammars and readers. We also provide an extensive and ever growing collection of classical e-books in English, Greek and Latin.


13 Textkit Learners Online

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Textkit - Greek & Latin Learning Tools
Providing free Greek grammar and Latin grammar books and reading text, classical forum, Greek and Latin tutorials and study groups, free online vocabulary courses, New Testament Greek material.

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All Greek & Latin grammars and language learning books are developed by Textkit and they are intended for personal educational use only. The redistribution of Textkit files and content is prohibited.

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Textkit is developed by the Pre23 Web Development Group, Cleveland Ohio.