![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Concordance of ImagesCopies of the images from Hispanic and Portuguese Collections: An Illustrated Guide may be ordered from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service (see Price List for Photographic Products). The images are listed below in the order in which they appear in the guide. IntroductionVue de la Place vieille/Vista de la Plaza Vieja [Havana, Cuba]. In Hippolite J. B. Garnerey. Vues de la Habana. Paris 1830.First page. In [Christopher Columbus] [Códice Diplomático Columbo-Americano]. Vellum. [Sevilla, ca. 1502] Warriors enlisted for military campaign. Amate paper. Huexotzinco Codex. 1531. Products and services provided as tribute, including a banner with Madonna and Child. Amate paper. Huexotzinco Codex.
General OverviewWorld Map with Route of Magellan. In Battista Agnese. [Portolan Atlas]. Venice, ca. 1544.Americae sive quartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio [Map of America]. Diego Gutiérrez. 1562. Hammock. Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés. La Historia general y natural de las Indias...Seville, 1535. Come ce peuple couppe et porte le Brésil es navires. Engraving. André Thevet. Cosmographie universelle illustrée des diverses figures des choses les plus remarquables...,1575. vol. 2. Paris. Home design, Spanish revival architecture. Watercolor over pen and ink, ca. 1920s "Teaching of the Indians" and "Mining of Gold." Cândido Portinari. [1941]. Page. Moses ben Nahman. Perush ha-Torah. Lisbon, 1489. First page of the letter written by Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas to King Charles I shortly before he left Spain for America. 1542.
Literature and Philosophy"Calavera Don Quijote y Sancho Panza" ca. 1905.Pablo Neruda. Photograph. [1966]. Gabriela Mistral. Photograph. [1950s] Picasso, con pinturas ineditas de la cueva de Nerja. Vicente Aleixandre. Malaga, El Guadalhorce, 1961. Adoration of the Magi. Juan de Torquemada. Meditationes seu Contemplationes devotissimae. Mainz 1479.
The ArtsIntroductory page. Antiphonary [choir book].Folio. Graduale Dominicale, secudum normam Missalis noui: exdecreto Sancti Concilij Triden denuo. Mexico, Pedro Ocharte, 1576. Ribeiro House, Largo do Boticário, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [1940]. Black and white photograph. Calendar wheel, no. 7. In Mariano Fernández Echeverría y Veytia. Historia del orígen de las gentes que poblaron la America septentrional. [early nineteenth-century manuscript facsimile]. Plate II. Joan Miró. Les essencies de la tierra. Barcelona, Ediciones Poligrafa (1968). Courret Hermanos, Fotografos. Gaucho of the Argentine Republic. Albumen silver print, 1868 in Recuerdos del Peru. Lot 4831 H Vol. 1, Plate 50. Joseph Pennell. The Bottom of Gatun Lock. Lithograph, 1912. Panama Canal Series Idol at Copan. In Frederick Catherwood. Detail. View of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. New York, 1844
The Hispanic and Portuguese WorldIberiaHispalis [Seville]. In Georg Braun and Francis Hogenberg. Civitates orbis terrarum. Cologne, 1612-18. vol. 5/6.Portolan Chart of the Mediterranean World. Mateo Prunes [Majorca] 1559. Vellum Southern Africa, Mozambique to Cape of Good Hope. In João Teixeira. Taboas geraes de toda a nevegação divididas e emedades por Dom Ieronimo de Attayde. Manuscript atlas, 1630. T-O Map. In Saint Isidorus [Bishop of Seville]. Etymologiarum sive originum libri XX. Augsburg, Gunther Zainer, 1472. Contador maior i texzorero. In Felipe Guamám Poma de Ayala. Nueva corónica y buen gobierno [facsimile of early seventeenth- century manuscript]. Paris, 1936. Descripción de las Yndias Ocidentalis [printed map]. In Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas. Description des Indes Occidentales. Amsterdam: M. Colin, 1622. Bardasano, José. 1936 18 de Julio 1937. Color lithograph poster, 1937.
The Hispanic and Portuguese WorldEncounters in AmericaHernando Cortés and the Spanish Soldiers Confront the Indians. In Fray Diego Durán. La Historia antigua de la Nueva España. 1585 [Manuscript facsimile, ca. nineteenth century].First page. Epistola de insulis nuper inventis [printed letter] [Christopher Columbus]. Rome, Stephan Plannck, 1493. The naming of America. In Martin Waldseemüller. Cosmographiae introductio. St. Dié, 1507. Balsa boat on Lake Titicaca. Black and white photograph. [ca. 1940]. [Portion]. Plano de la Bahía de Concepción de Chile...1782. Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa. Real Escuela de Navegación, Cádiz Map of America. Martin Waldseemüller. [Ptolemaeus] Geographiae Opus Novissima Traductione...Strasbourg, 1513. Opidum S. Augustini [St. Augustine, Florida] Augustine. Baptista Boazio. [after 1585]. [Map of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, 1766-1768]. Josef Urrutia and Nicolás La Fora. México, 1771. Manuscript map, 1 sheet of 4. [Portion]. Plano de la bahía de Pansacola [sic]. Antonio Donato Paredes. 1782. Manuscript map. Occupational groups. Ink and wash drawing. In Relación de las ceremonias y ritos y población y gobierno de los indios de la provincia de Mechuacan, compiled by Fray Jeronimo de Alcalá. nineteenth-century manuscript copy of original, ca. 1540 Oztoticpac Lands Map. Amate paper, ca. 1540. Details of Pulpit. Mission San Xavier del Bac, Tucson Vicinity, Pima County, Arizona. 1940. Map of Mexico City and the Gulf of Mexico. In Hernando Cortés. Praeclara Ferdinandi Cortesii de Nova maris Hyspania narratio. [Norimbergae] [1524].
The Hispanic and Portuguese WorldThe Modern States of AmericaLe Chimborazo vu depuis le Plateau de Tapia. In Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland. Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland...Ière partie; relation historique...Paris, F. Schoell, 1810.Négresses allant a l'Eglise pour être baptisées. Engraving. By Jean-Baptiste Debret. Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, Vol. 3. Paris 1834- 39. Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, Congonhas do Campo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Black and white photograph. [1940] Calaveras de montón. Número 1. José Guadalupe Posada. Broadside, full sheet, zinc etching. (Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910). Carnival Havana 1952. Half tone and lithographed poster. 1952. A view of the town and fortification of [San Juan] Puerto Rico [1824] [Panoramic view of Fort Sipac]. Street scene. Bogotá, Colombia. [1940]. Fire Insurance Map of Nogales, Mexico 1931 (sheet 7). Pelham, N.Y.: Sanborn Map Company, 1931 Black musicians, a female dancer and costumed figure under a moon. Miguel Covarrubias. 1920. Mural of tiles of west façade of the Ministerio da Educação e Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro. Cândido Portinari and Paulo Rossi. Black and white photograph. 1937. Plano piloto de Brasília. Lucio B. Costa. Abril 1958. Retablo de Nuestro Señor de Esquipula, Chimayo, New Mexico [Altar Screen]. Watercolor. 1934.
A Brief Researcher's GuideFiestas de Verano y Carnaval 1938-39. Half tone and lithographed poster. 1938.Montevideo.
Publications on the Hispanic and Portuguese CollectionsWilliam Berryman. Jamaica Scene. Watercolor over grey ink and pencil on wove paper, ca. 1808.
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