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QPU April 2006

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The Quarterly Provider Update provides a listing of Agency regulations and meeting notices. Non-regulatory changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, consisting of manual instructions, are also included in this listing.

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CMS-1319-NMeeting of the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council (PPAC) for May 22, 200604/28/200604/03/2006
CMS-4113-NMeeting of the Advisory Panel on Medicare Education, May 25, 200604/28/200604/03/2006
CMS-4094-F4Amendment to the Interim Final Regulation for Mental Health Parity04/28/200604/03/2006
CMS-1270-PCompetitive Acquisition for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies05/01/200604/03/2006
CMS-2235-NC CorrectionState Childrens Health Insurance Program, SCHIP; Redistribution of Unexpended SCHIP Funds From the appropriation for Fiscal Year 200305/01/200604/03/2006
R44DEMOAdditional Billing Guidance for HHA Sites in the Demonstration Project for Medical Adult Day-Care Services (MMA Section 703)05/08/200604/03/2006
R49MSPManualizing Long-Standing Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Policy in Chapter 2 of the MSP Internet Only Manual (IOM)05/08/200604/03/2006
R902CPHospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Manual Revision: Clarification of Coding and Payment for Drug Administration05/08/200604/03/2006
CMS-1306-FInpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System - Update for Rate Year Beginning July 1, 2007 (RY 2007)05/09/200604/03/2006
CMS-1485-FProspective Payment System for Long-Term Care Hospitals RY 2007: Annual Payment Rate Updates05/12/200604/03/2006
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