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QPU January 2006

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The Quarterly Provider Update provides a listing of Agency regulations and meeting notices. Non-regulatory changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, consisting of manual instructions, are also included in this listing.

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R896CPApril 2006 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS): Summary of Payment Policy Changes 04/03/200601/01/2006
R893CP2006 Juridiction List04/03/200601/01/2006
CMS-9034-NMedicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances--October Through December 200503/24/200601/01/2006
CMS-1281-NMedicare Program; Public Meetings in Calendar Year 2006 for All New Public Requests for Revisions to the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Coding and Payment Determinations03/24/200601/01/2006
CMS-4117-PNApplication for Deeming Authority for Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organizations and Local Preferred Provider Organizations Submitted by URAC03/24/200601/01/2006
CMS-1269-N7Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act(EMTALA) Technical Advisory Group (TAG), Announcement of a New Member03/24/200601/01/2006
CMS-3163-NRequest for Nominations for Members of the Medicare Coverage Advisory committee and Notice of Meeting of the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee--May 18, 200603/24/200601/01/2006
R889CPApril Update to the 2006 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database04/03/200601/01/2006
R18SOMAComplete Revisions to Chapter 5, "Complaint Procedures"03/17/200601/01/2006
R48NCDTechnical Corrections to the NCD Manual 04/03/200601/01/2006
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