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Life Table Analysis System

PC-LTAS Version History


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Changes in version 1.0d:

Software changes:

  • Fixed a bug in the Verify step, Include / Exclude feature. Prior to this fix, attempting to include or exclude on the Operation field (whether in combination with Plant or Department or used alone) resulted in unpredictable work history inclusion.
  • Fixed a separate bug in the Verify step, Include / Exclude feature. This bug made it impossible to select on plant, department or operationd fields with leading blanks in the work history data file.
  • Fixed a bug in the Verify step, area exposure lookup. Formerly exposure files exceeding the size limit (16,384 records) would cause the Verify step to "crash", returning the user to the main menu with no explanation. Now Verify will notify you politely, though you still must reduce the size of your exposure file.
  • Fixed a separate bug in the Verify step, area exposure lookup. This bug produced "false negatives" when attempting to match on plant in area exposure files IF the exposure level file contained a leading blank. LTAS would erroneously assign the default exposure level to work histories that should have been assigned the exposure level from the file. This often would result in rejection of exposed workers as unexposed (No exposed histories error).
  • Fixed a bug in the BLDRATE program. The maximum allowable number of disease minors (120) caused BLDRATE to fail - this is now repaired.

Rates updated:

(Note that rates do not necessarily track software versions, that is rates may be updated even if the software is not. This notice is included since these rate updates are being released simultaneously with 1.0d.

  • The standard rates (92 & 99 cause SMR & PMR, and SEER rates) have been updated to include valid data through 1997.

User Manual updates:

(The User Manual also does not necessarily track software versions)

  • Chapter 10 now notes that the limit for area exposure files in 16,384 lines.
  • Corrected a few errors (omissions) in the SEER ICD table in Appendix M. Specifically in 9th revision minors 9, 15, 18, 24, 32 and 33.
  • Clarified a reference to the RATEFILE keyword in Appendix I.

Changes in version 1.0c:

Software changes:

  • Fixed error in processing exposure level files that produced rejections when area exposure files exceeded 1910 lines.
  • Fixed the error that required exiting and re-launching LTAS after about three runs of the Verify step.
  • Changed person year begin date option from latest of "In-rec, Rate begin" to latest of "In-rec, 1st Exposed, Rate begin". (This option always worked this way, this is simply an interface clarification.)
  • Fixed error in BLDRATE program that limited the maximum number of calendar periods to about 23, instead of the intended limit of 30.
  • INREC person year begin date before date of birth now a warning, not a rejection.
  • Fixed an error in the Verify step that resulted in errors recoding ICD codes to minors. Specifically, workers in the input demographics file whose ICD's have blank 4th digits could (under very specific, presumably rare circumstances) erroneously be recoded to the residual ("other causes") minor. Details in the READ.ME file.
  • Removed case-sensitivity of ICD codes (156a now the same as 156A).
  • Fixed help screens in Verify step. The correct help information for the current field is now displayed.
  • Verify step parameters now saved before completion of Verify step. If Verify should "crash", the parameters are saved and the user will not need to re-enter them.
  • Changed study begin and end date verification. Can now exit the fields without entering a valid date. Unfortunately now you cannot leave the parameters window without entering a valid date. We hope you find this less inconvenient than before.
  • All error message buttons now labeled " OK " (cosmetic removal of 'silliness').
  • Study parameter file name, verify report file names added to parameters report.

User Manual updates:

  • Explicitly states input demographics files must be sorted by ascending SSN. Work history and personal exposure files must be sorted by ascending date within ascending SSN.
  • Explicitly states that user can select different ICD revisions.
  • Removed confusing references to end-of-line markers in required file tables.
  • Corrected and clarified table of error messages in appendix J.

Page last modified: October 23, 2008
Page last reviewed: October 23, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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