Rubella in Healthcare Settings

An Introduction to Rubella in Healthcare Settings

Rubella is usually a mild febrile rash illness in adults and children. Other symptoms include lymphadenopathy, malaise, or conjunctivitis. Arthralgia and arthritis can occur in <70% of infected adult and adolescent females. Rare complications are thrombocytopenic purpura, encephalitis, neuritis, and orchitis. The incubation period for rubella is 12--23 days, and 20%--50% of rubella infections are asymptomatic. Persons with rubella are most infectious when rash is erupting, but can shed virus from 7 days before to 5--7 days after rash onset (i.e., the infectious period).
(from: MMWR 2001)

Date last modified: September 27, 2005
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Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP)
National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases