The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 18, 2002

Statement by the President
Congolese Sign a Peace Agreement

I welcome the signing of the peace agreement that brings an end to four years of civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I appreciate the strong leadership and commitment of President Kabila to form a transitional government in Congo. I further commend all parties on their willingness to make the tough decisions to ensure a peaceful and democratic future for the Congolese people.

This peace agreement offers the Congolese people a critical opportunity to build lasting peace in a unified Congo. The United States will continue to work with Congo's Government, the Congolese Liberation Movement, and the Congolese Rally for Democracy and Civil Society to move forward on implementing the agreement, which will result in national elections.

I thank President Mbeki for his leadership and efforts on behalf of peace in the Congo and throughout Africa. The United States looks forward to working with the African Union and the United Nations to help the Congolese people realize their dream for national reconciliation and growing prosperity.

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