CRM Cultural Resource Management Title Image

Volume 17
No. 02

Using the National Register of Historic Places

17 - 02 Using the National Register of Historic Places Cover Image

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Using the National Register of Historic Places -
Getting the Most for Our Money
Shull, Carol D.

The “New” Architectural History
Herman, Bernard L.

Connecting History with Historic Places -
The Multiple Property Approach
McClelland, Linda Flint

Archeology and the National Register
Townsend, Jan E.

Research, Stewardship, Visibility, and Planning -
Four Reasons to Nominate Archeological Sites to the National Register
Sprinkle, Jr., John H.

National Register Information is a Hidden Treasure
Miller, Diane E.

Researching African American History
Savage, Beth L.

Praise and Recognition -
The National Register in Montana
Sherfy, Marcella

Unlocking the Past -
The National Register in New York
Gillespie, David S.

Preserving the Legacy -
Georgia’s Historic African American Resources
Cloues, Richard

History Where it Happened -
The National Register in Minnesota
Bloomberg, Britta L.

From Skeptic to Believer
Bearss, Edwin C.

Chinese Properties Listed in the National Register -
A Forest Service Initiative
Kingsbury, Lawrence A.

Local Preservation Activities
Velt, Tanya M.

Livable Communities
Lee, Antoinette J.

The Economic Effect of National Register Listing
Rypkema, Donovan D.

The Mission Trail -
A Springboard for Heritage Tourism
Tellez, Alfonzo

The National Register Regional Travel Itineraries
Chrisman, Patty Sackett

Our Past/Ourselves -
Teaching with Historic Places
Boland, Beth M.

Learning to Identify and Evaluate -
The National Register and Higher Education
Tomlan, Michael A.

Teaching Preservation at the Graduate Level
Ames, David L.

Interpretation -
A Road to Creative Enlightenment
Risk, Paul H.

Reading About the National Register
Meisner, Jennifer A.

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