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QPU April 2002

  Details for CMS-4026-FN

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File Name CMS-4026-FN
Subject Application by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations for Approval of Deeming Authority for M+C Organizations That Are Licensed as a HMO or a PPO
Publication/Implementation Date 03/22/2002
Quarterly Release Date 04/01/2002
Provider Type Medicare+Choice
Type of Regulation Published Last Quarter
Regulation Summary This final notice announces the approval of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) for deeming authority of Medicare+Choice (M+C) organizations that are licensed as health maintenance organizations (HMOs) or preferred provider organizations (PPOs). We have found that the JCAHO's standards for managed care plans/integrated delivery networks/provider-sponsored organizations (networks) submitted to us and amended during the application process, meet or exceed those established by the Medicare program. Therefore, M+C organizations that are licensed as HMOs or PPOs and are accredited by JCAHO, may receive, at their request, deemed status for the M+C requirements in the six areas--Quality Assurance, Information on Advance Directives, Antidiscrimination, Access to Services, Provider Participation Rules, and Confidentiality and Accuracy of Enrollee Records--that are specified in section 1852(e)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act (the Act). Regulations set forth in 42 CFR 422.157(b)(2) specify that the Secretary will publish a Federal Register notice that indicates whether an accreditation organization's request for approval has been granted and the effective date and term of the approval, which may not exceed 6 years.
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