Talking Book Topics

November-December 1998
Books for Children--Nonfiction

Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains books by many authors on fiction and nonfiction subjects, including animals, geography, nature, mystery, sports, and others. Contact your cooperating library to learn more about the wide range of books available in the collection. Cassette books, labeled with the code RC, play at 15/16 ips. To order books, contact your cooperating library.

If You Should Hear a Honey Guide RC 40984
by April Pulley Sayre
read by Marilyn Gleason
1 cassette
If you should hear the honey guide call "weet-err, weet-err," you are a lucky person indeed. Then you must answer the bird and follow it through the bushlands of Kenya, for the honey guide will lead you to a bees' nest full of honey. For grades K-3. 1995.

Desert Trip RC 40989
by Barbara A. Steiner
read by M.E. DePalma
1 cassette
A young girl goes backpacking with her mother in the desert. As they walk, her mother points out plants and tells her about them. Then they sleep under the starry sky. For grades K-3. 1996.

Frozen Man RC 44427
by David Getz
read by Stephen Angus
1 cassette
Recounts the 1991 discovery of a mummified body in the Italian Alps by German tourists. Follows the scientific examination of the human remains and artifacts to derive clues about the life and death of the frozen man, and about how people lived more than five thousand years ago. For grades 4-7. 1994.

William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream RC 44926
retold by Bruce Coville
read by Suzanne Toren
1 cassette
A retelling of the classic comedy in which several couples, spending the night in a forest, find themselves bewitched by the fairy king's young servant--Puck. For grades 2-4 and older readers. 1996.

Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio RC 44944
by Peg Kehret
read by Patricia McDermott
1 cassette
A woman's memoir of her childhood battle with polio in 1949. Details the sudden onset of the disease, followed by seven months of paralysis, treatments, and gradual recovery. Describes the fear and pain that she experienced, and the support of family and friends that sustained her through the ordeal. For grades 4-6. 1996.

The Period Book: Everything You Don't Want to Ask (but Need to Know) RC 45056
by Karen and Jennifer Gravelle
read by Lindsay Ellison
1 cassette
Explains the physical and emotional changes girls experience as puberty begins. Topics include what to wear, a visit to a gynecologist, and what is normal. A chapter headed "What if...?" advises girls on how to handle problem situations. Parental comments conclude the book. For grades 4-7. 1996.

I've Got an Idea! The Story of Frederick McKinley Jones RC 45067
by Gloria M. Swanson and Margaret V. Ott
read by Jake Williams
1 cassette
Recounts the life of Fred Jones, who at age five could take mechanical things apart and reassemble them, and who by age fifteen had become an auto repair foreman. He became an expert in the fields of electronics, the physics of sound, and electrical engineering, and he patented more than sixty inventions. For grades 3-6. 1994.

Shaker Hearts RC 45144
by Ann Turner
read by Jill Fox
1 cassette
Describes how the Shakers, founded by Ann Lee and her followers who came to America from England in 1774, centered their sect around the theme of "Hands to work, hearts to God." The author portrays their daily life, showing how they dedicated themselves to God while building practical, self-sufficient communities. For grades 3-6 and older readers. 1997.

On My Own: The Journey Continues RC 45189
by Sally Hobart Alexander
read by Barbara Pinolini
1 cassette
After going blind at twenty-four, as told in Taking Hold: My Journey into Blindness (RC 40247), Alexander describes also losing part of her hearing. Determined to be independent and self-sufficient, she recounts her fears and difficulties adjusting to a new apartment, finding a job, and meeting the right man. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 1997.

It Came from Ohio! My Life as a Writer RC 45190
by R.L. Stine
read by Terence Aselford
1 cassette
Stine, the author of the Fear Street and Goosebump books, tells the story of his life to Joe Arthur, a friend since college days. Stine says when he was seven years old he found a typewriter in his attic and was soon typing with one finger at lightning speed. He also explains where he gets some of his frightening story ideas. For grades 4-7 and older readers. 1997.

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