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Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees - Additional Environmental Health Topics

  • Additional Environmental Health Topics
  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
    HACCP is a systematic approach that has been traditionally used to identify and control food safety hazards. This approach can also be used to identify and control hazards associated with systems such as potable and recreational water. The HACCP approach used in this presentation is the process approach which is the most suitable for the varied and changing menus on cruise ships.
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    Process 1 Process 2 Process 3
  • Housekeeping and Infection Control
    VSP discusses the components of routine cabin cleaning including what to avoid in order to prevent spreading contamination within a cabin or from one cabin to another. The video also examines how to apply outbreak prevention and control strategies in cabins and throughout public areas for both passenger and crew.
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    Housekeeping Activity
  • Environmental Health (Air Systems and Child Activity Centers)
    This video examines two areas of the vessel: air systems and the child activity centers. VSP reviews proper maintenance of air systems including proper accessibility and scheduled cleaning. During the child activity center portion, VSP discusses operational procedures that prevent the spread of illness.
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  • Equipment and Facilities: Construction and Maintenance
    VSP discusses the construction, maintenance, and cleaning of equipment and facilities throughout the ship. Topics include food contact surfaces, proper hot water sanitizing temperatures and times, monitoring hot and cold holding equipment, and thermometer placement for ambient temperatures.
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  • Integrated Pest Management
    Learn the components of a good integrated pest management program, the conditions that make pest infestation favorable, and acceptable forms of training staff on IPM practices.
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  • Outbreak Investigations
    VSP discusses the VSP gastrointestinal illness surveillance system requirements and the components of outbreak investigations including the roles and responsibilities.
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  • See training videos about:
  • Overview of VSP
  • Food Topics
  • Water Topics