A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Piedras Blancas Lighthouse Piedras Blancas Piedras Blancas seaside daisy Point off the Piedras Blancas Lightstation, for which the lightstation is named Entrance to the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse
BLM>California>Bakersfield>Programs>Piedras Blancas Light Station>News
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Bakersfield Field Office

Piedras Blancas Light Station Outstanding Natural Area

The Light tower as it appeared. circa 1905. Photo : John Moyer, Rawlins, Wyoming.
The Light tower as it appeared. Circa 1905.
Photo : John Moyer of Rawlins, Wyoming.


The Light Station is closed for restoration, Please be advised that the traffic on Highway 1 in front of the Lighthouse can be very congested due to highway alignment. Please do not stop your vehicle in this area.

News - 12 - 22 - 2003
The communities along California's central coast, including the villages of Cambria and San Simeon experienced an earthquake incident that included many aftershocks. The site's electrical, telephone, and water systems were disabled for a full day. The tower suffered some damage to the masonry structure, but appears to be minor at this time. A planned structural and geotechnical investigation will determine what, if any damage that may haver occured, including any follow-up remediation.

News - 12 - 01 - 2003
The National Geographic Theater
The Piedras Blancas Light Station Exhibit, on display in the lobby of the National Geographic Theater at Hearst Castle State Historic Monument near San Simeon, Calif. has been extended through the end of January 2004. This will allow additional time for the public to see and enjoy this great exhibit of lighthouse art and photographs related to the Piedras Blancas Light Station.

News - 10 -25 - 2003
Reception at the National Geographic Exhibit

News - 10-8-2003
The National Geographic Theater
The exhibit will be displayed in the lobby of the National Geographic Theater beginning
October 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003.

News - 9-29-2003
The Bureau of Land Management and the National Geographic Theater at Hearst Castle®
proudly announce the opening of a display of historical Light Station photos, maps, blueprints and drawings illustrating the Station's rich history while it was under the jurisdiction of the United States Light House Service. These illustrations depict considerable detail of the early days of the Piedras Blancas Light Station (8 miles north of Hearst Castle® on Highway 1) and date from the 1870's. Included also are historic photos of families that served at the Piedras Blancas Light Station, and an array of current illustrations and images of the Light Station.
The exhibit will be displayed in the lobby of the National Geographic Theater beginning October 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003.

News - 07-07-2003
Tour Reservation Line open, National Geographic Theater.

News - 06-28-2003
First public tours held at the Light Station in 128 years.
Tour guides and volunteers dressed in period clothing ready to meet with the first of 2 tours today, this is a
landmark occasion for the Bureau of Land Management and The California State Parks.

News - 06-05-2003
The Cambrian - Kathe Tanner Article - (Dates and times)

News - 06 05-2003
San Luis Obispo Tribune - Kathe Tanner Article
can be seen at : http://www.sanluisobispo.com/mld/sanluisobispotribune/6019367.htm

News - 06-5-2003
BLM Announces Piedras Blancas Light Station Open to Limited Public Tours .

News - 05-30-2003
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between BLM and
The California Department of Parks and Recreation ( San Simeon District ) on May 30, 2003 defining
certain tasks to assist BLM in restoring the Piedras Blancas Light Station to it's "1875 to 1940" era, and
to manage the sites natural resources and visitor activities.

News - 05-25-2003
Piedras Blancas News Release
BLM Bakersfield Field Office - Proposal for Interim Public Access

News - 05-25-2002
Dedication Ceremony at Piedras Blancas Light Station 282kb pdf.

News - 02-15-2002
For Immediate Release: 2-15-02 CCal-02-28
Contact: Larry Mercer, BLM (661) 391-6010 or Dan Eller, State Parks (805) 927-2074 or on the Web at:

BLM and State Parks to Collaborate at Piedras Blancas

The Piedras Blancas Light Station near San Simeon has been a source of community pride and intrigue since a light house was built there in 1875. The light is an important part of the history of the central coast, but the light house and the peninsula on which it is built have always been closed to the public.

All that may change now that the federal property is no longer controlled by the U.S Coast Guard but is in the hands of the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM says it will protect the natural and historical resources and encourage scientific research while planning for structured public access to the light house site.

To assist in reaching these goals, an agreement is being worked out with California State Parks at nearby Hearst Castle. BLM Field Manager Ron Fellows and State Parks District Superintendent Kirk Sturm have signed a statement of intent to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement regarding the management and protection of the Piedras Blancas Light Station.

State Parks will share expertise in resource protection, site restoration, public safety and fire protection, interpretation, and visitor management. Sturm and his staff have extensive experience in managing Hearst Castle, and that experience will be used in establishing a visitor plan for Piedras Blancas.

"We are delighted with our good neighbors at Hearst Castle and how helpful they have been and will continue to be under this agreement," says BLM's Fellows. "The public is the winner because we save money by not duplicating efforts, and appropriate public access will be assured."

BLM plans to make Piedras a part of the new California Coastal National Monument, while promoting protection and public appreciation of this beautiful spot on the coast. Piedras Blancas is located 5 miles north of San Simeon and is bound by the Pacific Ocean on one side and Hearst Ranch on the other. Hearst Castle is 3 miles away.

News - 02-13-2003
Letter of Intent signed.