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BMBL Errata Sheet for Hard Copy Booklets

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When the 4th edition of the guidelines "Biosafety in Microbiological & Biomedical Laboratories" was distributed, a number of you pointed out some obvious problems.  In the next printing, we are addressing this with the following changes to the text.

1.     Inside from cover.  Change Government Printing Office (GPO) phone number to (202) 512-1800.  FAX number is (202) 512-2250.  You can also order on-line at:

2.    Page 18, Item 9: in line 1, change "must" to "may", i.e. "A biohazard sign may be posted... "  Page 18, Item 9: in line 3, change "must" to "may", i.e. "..sign may include the name..." 

3.    Page 25, Item D.3: Delete the second sentence (Foot, knee, or automatic ... recommended.)

4.    Page 61, Item D.5., ABSL-2 Facilities (Secondary Barriers): should read, "Any windows must be resistant to breakage.  Where possible, windows should be sealed.  If the animal facility has windows that open, they are fitted with fly screens."

5.    Page 66, Facilities, Item 2.  In the third sentence change "...includes a change room and shower(s)." to "...includes a change room.  A personnel shower is recommended."

6.    Page 67, Item D.6.,  ABSL-3 Facilities (Secondary Barriers): should read, "Windows are not recommended.   Any windows must be resistant to breakage and must be sealed."

7.    Page 92, Transfer of Agent:  Add the statements, "For a permit to import this agent, contact CDC.  Laboratory registration with CDC is required before sending or receiving this select agent.

8.   Page 95, Transfer of Agent: Add the statement, "Laboratory registration with CDC is required before sending or receiving this select agent.

9.   Page 96, Transfer of Agent: delete the third sentence, "Laboratory registration with CDC is required before sending or receiving this select agent."                                                     

      Page 96, delete second mention of "Transfer of Agent:  For a permit to import this agent, contact CDC."

10.   Page 109, 110.  Transfer of Agent:  add the statement, "For a permit to import this agent, contact CDC."

11. Page 111, Under heading Vibrionic enteritis (Vibrio cholerae , V. parahaemolyticus): Transfer of Agent: add the statement, "for a permit to import this agent, contact CDC."

12. Page 118,  Transfer of Agent: delete the statement, "Laboratory registration with CDC is required before sending or receiving this select agent."

13.  Page 123, Line 1:  Should read, "Cladophialophora bantiana, and Ramichloridium mackenziei,"  and line 6-7: "Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) ..."

14.  Page 163, under Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus, the sentence beginning, "Cell cultures that inadvertently have become infected...", should read, "Cell cultures that have inadvertently become infected...".

15.  Page 176, Transfer of Agent: add the statement first, "For a permit to import this agent, contact CDC.", and  correct the second sentence to read, "A USDA importation or domestic transfer permit for this agent is also required and can be obtained from USDA/APHIS/VS."

16.  Page 184, fourth line from bottom of page: delete copyright symbol.

17.  Page 186, Transfer of Agents:  "Laboratory registration with CDC is required...".  This statement only refers to the currently designated select agent EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) listed on page 184.  Change the statement, "Laboratory registration with CDC is required before sending or receiving this select agent."  to "Laboratory registration with CDC may be required before sending or receiving some of these agents."

18.  Page 203, paragraph 2: In the sentence, "The Class III cabinet must be connected to a double-doored autoclaves...", the word autoclaves should read autoclave.

19.  Page 215, Public Health Service 42 CFR Part 72.  Interstate Transportation of Etiologic Agents.  Title should read, Interstate Shipment of Etiologic Agents.

20.  Page 217, last line of page:  Transfer of Select Biological Agents of Human Disease:  The website given should read http://www/

21.  Page 222, APPENDIX E, Resources for Information:  The telephone number for the National Animal Disease Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, should read, (515) 663-7258.

22.  Page 154, Transfer of Agents:  For a permit to import these agents, contact CDC.  Laboratories transferring New World Hantavirus causing Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome are required to register with CDC.

23.  Page 33, Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers), paragraph 3, second to last sentence should read: "Penetrations in floors, walls, and ceiling surfaces are sealed or capable of being sealed to facilitate contamination."

24.  Proposed modification to the BMBL: p 71 - Standard Practices, #X9.  All Wastes (including animal tissues, carcasses, and contaminated bedding), other materials for disposal, and clothing to be laundered, are sterilized in a double door autoclave located in the secondary barrier wall of the facility (see B-4 below).  Disposable wastes are incinerated.  [new] After autoclaving, animal carcasses are treated to render them unrecognizable (e.g., by incineration, digestion by hydrolysis, or other suitable technology). 



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This page last reviewed June 17, 1999

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