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Professional Development (PDF)
By Early Childhood Iowa , Ed.
Issue Brief, 1; 2006

Summary: This issue brief by Early Childhood Iowa- Quality Services and Programs Component Group describes the importance of a system of professional development to support early care, health, and education providers. Professional development consists of the formal education and training for early childhood professionals that supports and empowers them to improve the quality of care and early education provided to young children. Research indicates that children who participate in high quality early learning programs demonstrate greater school readiness and success through second grade than children who have been in low quality care. Professional development activities that have been funded in SFY 2007 are listed. Recommendations are offered for further professional development system building activities.

Index Terms: Performance, Performance Standards, Professional Development, Provider Training, Credentialing, Provider Qualifications, Training, Iowa

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 2 pages
Language: English

Early Childhood Iowa

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