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Infant/Toddler Early Learning Guidelines 2007 (PDF)
By National Infant and Toddler Child Care Initiative at Zero To Three , Ed.

Summary: This analysis describes initiatives concerning infant/toddler early learning guidelines (ELGs), and is intended as a resource for States and Territories as they develop and/or revise their own guidelines for infants and toddlers. The ELGs describe expectations about what children should know (understand) and do (competencies and skills) across different domains of learning. States and Territories are at varying stages of the development process of ELGs for infants and toddlers. As of November 2006, 13 States and one Territory had published ELGs for infants and toddlers: Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Tennessee, Washington, and Puerto Rico. The analysis examines the structure and content of the ELGs, how issues of diversity and inclusion are addressed, the degree to which research and practice are connected, and the appropriateness of the documents for the identified target audience. By directing attention to how infants and toddlers function emotionally and socially as they build knowledge and competencies, States and Territories have an opportunity to emphasize the components of quality caregiving environments that create confident, curious lifelong learners.

Index Terms: Infant Toddler Child Care, State Guidelines, States, State Standards, Early Learning Guidelines (ELG), Good Start Grow Smart

Publisher: Child Care Bureau, Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health andHuman Services

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 11 pages
Language: English

National Infant and Toddler Child Care Initiative
Zero To Three
2000 M Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, District of Columbia 20036
FAX: 202-638-0851

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