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The Head Start Path to Positive Child Outcomes, Updated Summer 2003 (PDF)
By U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Head Start Bureau , Eds.
Summer, 2003

Summary: This Head Start Child Outcomes Framework is intended to guide Head Start programs in their ongoing assessment of the progress and accomplishments of children and in their efforts to analyze and use data on child outcomes. The Framework is composed of 8 general domains: language development, literacy, mathematics, science, creative arts, social and emotional development, approaches to learning, and physical health and development. There are also 27 domain elements and 100 examples of more specific indicators of children’s skills, abilities, knowledge, and behaviors. The Framework will guide agencies in selecting, developing, or adapting an instrument or set of tools for ongoing assessment of children’s progress. It is not intended to be used directly as a checklist for assessing children. Steps for incorporating child outcome data into program self-assessment are outlined, and timelines for implementation and program monitoring are presented.

Index Terms: Head Start, Outcomes Of Child Care, Performance Standards, Program Evaluation, Curriculum Evaluation, Early Childhood Education, Federal Regulations, Local Standards, Performance Measures

Publisher: Head Start Information and Publication Center

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 27 pages
Language: English

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center


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