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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin  How to Evaluate and Nominate Designed Historic Landscapes

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

Credits and Acknowledgments

Several people have contributed to the thoughts about historic landscapes contained in this bulletin. Thomas J. Kane, FASLA, generously shared a copy of an unpublished paper that he prepared concerning guidelines for evaluating the significance of historic landscapes for the National Park Service in 1976. This paper provided a point of departure for this bulletin, particularly in regard to the characteristic features of designed historic landscapes. Patricia O'Donnell, Chair of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Committee on Historic Preservation, also provided a copy of her May 7, 1984, paper, "Proposed Landscape Preservation Definitions" and the ALSA Landscape Inventory. We are also indebted to Robert Melnick, ASLA, and his work in rural historic districts which addresses the parallel issue of nominating cultural landscapes. Finally, we thank our colleagues in the Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation for devoting considerable time during the June 1985 annual meeting at Skyland in Virginia to the topic of designed landscapes and the criteria that should be used to evaluate and nominate historic landscapes to the National Register. These discussions occurred during the early stages of the development of the outline for this bulletin and were extremely valuable. A number of preservation and landscape professionals reviewed the draft of this bulletin and were extremely helpful in suggesting revisions. Thomas J. Kane, FSLA; Patricia O'Donnell, ASLA; Darwina Neal, FASLA; Robert E. Stipe, Shary Page Berg; Malcolm Cairns; Daniel Sponn; Chauncey L. Walker; and others suggested specific language changes that were incorporated into the bulletin.

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