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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Administration for Children and Families

Administration for Children, Youth and Families

1. Log No.: ACYF-PI-81-01 2. Issuance Date: January 7, 1981
3. Originating Office: Children's Bureau
4. Key Word: IV-B; FY 1981


TO:   State Administrators Of State Public Welfare Agencies,Child Welfare Services State Grant Program

SUBJECT:    FY 1981 Allotments for Title IV-B

LEGAL AND RELATED REFERENCES:    Section 423 of the Social Security Act; and 45 CFR 1357.30.

INSTRUCTION:    In our Action Transmittal - ACYF-CB-AT-81-01, dated October14, 1980, we listed the allotments available to States at the funding level of $66.15 million, based on the FY 1980 appropriation. The Congress has now approved funding for FY 1981 (through June 5 only) at the level of $163.55million. No funds over the State's share of $141M will be made available until:

  1. the ACYF Regional Program Director (RPD) has received a written request from the State to conduct an on-site review of its eligibility under the regulations (published at 45 CFR 1357.30 in the Federal Register of December 31, 1980 at pages 86812 - 86816) and

  2. the RPD has determined that the State meets those requirements. Therefore, States may now apply for additional funds for the first and second quarter at the $141M level, as listed in AT-80-06, dated August 21, 1980. States should submit a revised Form CWS-101 for the full year of FY 1981 at the$141M level, spread over the four quarters. Send the original of the Form to the RPD and a copy to:
Ellen Fagins
Children's Bureau
P.O. Box 1182
Washington, D.C.20013.

We will make grant awards, based on the revised form for the first and second quarters at that $141M level minus the awards already made. However, to reiterate, each State seeking additional funds should submit a revisedCWS-101 with amounts distributed over the four quarters, at the $141M level for the year.

EFFECTIVE DATE:    January 1, 1981

INQUIRIES TO: Regional Program Directors, ACYF
  John A. Calhoun
  Children, Youth and Families