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Workshop Abstracts

Name of Session:

Session C 5

Emerging and Re-emerging Contaminants and Outbreaks

Description of Session:

This session will explore the elements that make community outreach for pesticide-reduction effective.

Presenter(s) E-mail
Moderator: Rick Gillig, MCP
Presenter 1: Bobbie Morgan, MS

Title of Presentation: Taking Our Lawns off Drugs—Successful Community-based Pesticide Reduction Outreach Abstract_2
Presenter 2: Christina Rose Bush, MS

Title of Presentation: Promoting Environmentally Sound School-siting Policies Abstract_8

Presenter 3: Bart Bibler, BS

Title of Presentation:Florida’s Waste Site/Well Testing Tracking System Abstract_16

Presenter 4: Sheila D. Pressley, MS

Title of Presentation:Meth Lab Decontamination: A Review of Current Practices Abstract_43

Presenter 5: Felicia A. Rabito, PHD

Title of Presentation:Post-Katrina Respiratory Health of Children in New Orleans Abstract_43

Abstract 2

Name of Session:

Taking Our Lawns off Drugs—Successful Community-based Pesticide Reduction Outreach

Description of Session:

Because of the toxicity of lawn and garden chemicals and their broad use in American culture, it is imperative that we teach homeowners to make healthy choices for home yard care. In response to the growing awareness of health risks from an array of yard-care chemicals, the Natural Landscapes Project provides an effective model for community-based education for reduction of pesticide use by homeowners. This local nonprofit organization targeted homeowners to educate them about the potential harm from lawn and garden pesticide exposure and taught natural lawn and garden care strategies. Approximately 70% of homeowners who participated in a presentation on natural lawn and garden care adopted at least one new positive practice, as noted in follow-up questionnaires one year later. Education holds promise for shifting our culture away from hazardous garden chemical use. We can teach homeowners to reject the risks associated with common lawn and garden chemicals and choose healthy, natural care strategies. This workshop will explore the elements that make pesticide-reduction community outreach effective.

Abstract 8

Name of Session:

Chlated Metals in Drinking Water

Description of Session:

The chelator and food additive EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is used by a baby-food manufacturer to remove scale from food-processing equipment. The wastewater is released to open land via spray irrigation (summer) and infiltration basins (winter). Down-gradient from the release site, several metals (iron, manganese, arsenic, cobalt, nickel, sodium, and lead) have been detected in groundwater at concentrations greater than their respective drinking water criteria. These metals are not part of the wastewater release, nor have they been detected at concentrations of concern up-gradient of the plume. The metals likely are chelated from the soil to the EDTA in the wastewater. Area residents obtain their drinking water through private residential wells. Potential maximum exposure duration at this site is 17 years. Because of the ubiquitous use of EDTA in food processing, findings at this site could affect the industry nationally, even globally.

Abstract 16

Name of Session:

Florida’s Waste Site/Well Testing Tracking System

Description of Session:

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) manages over 30,000 known contaminated sites, ranging from leaking petroleum storage tanks to landfills to hazardous waste sites. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) conducts drinking water well surveys around these sites by requests from the FDEP to identify any unsafe wells for remediation, all at state expense. In addition, the well surveys help to prioritize the site clean-ups. The FDOH recently developed a comprehensive tracking system to ensure that wells around all sites with likelihood of offsite contamination have been or will be tested. A few controversial sites have elevated public concern about FDEP’s community notification of a waste site and timely well testing. Both agencies have improved their policies and procedures to address these concerns. The FDEP has revised its rules regarding notification requirements, and an interagency workshop was conducted to discuss all aspects of waste management, well testing, health assessment, and risk communication. This presentation will provide a discussion of these programs, challenges, lessons learned, and the improvements made to better protect the public’s health.

Abstract 43

Name of Session:

Decontamination of Methamphetamine Laboratories

Description of Session: Although there are no federal decontamination guidelines for meth-contaminated sites or dwellings, some states have adopted recommended procedures for remediating meth labs. Some states have also developed programs designed to alert the public about dangerous properties formerly used as meth labs. Meth lab incidents were reported in every state in 2004 except Connecticut and Rhode Island. The numbers were especially high in the southeast. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Missouri led the country with 2,707 incidents and Tennessee was second with 1,259. Methamphetamine is produced in various setting such as homes, motels, sheds, caves, trailers and motor vehicles, using common household chemicals and over-the-counter cold medications. The most common ingredient is pseudoephedrine, or ephedrine, which can be found in common cold medications. Drug makers or “cookers,” as they are typically called, mix and cook in other ingredients such as gasoline, rubbing alcohol, antifreeze, chlorine, drain cleaner and chemical fertilizer. This presentation will examine the processes that many states are using to remediate meth labs and protect the public from exposure. The presentation will also discuss the health effects of meth exposure in children and adults.

Abstract 44

Name of Session:

Science: Epidemiologic Studies: Post-Katrina Respiratory Health Study, New Orleans

Description of Session:

Post-Katrina Respiratory Health of Children in New Orleans Abstract: The widespread damage caused by Hurricane Katrina has posed unprecedented challenges to environmental health in New Orleans. An increase in potential environmental health hazards is anticipated as a result of degradation of both indoor and outdoor environments. Mold has emerged as a major respiratory health concern because of extensive flooding throughout the city. Reports on outdoor air quality in New Orleans have been released; however, the indoor air quality and longitudinal effects of living in an environment subsequent to sustained flooding is currently sparse. Children spend much of their time indoors; therefore, ensuring good indoor air quality is paramount for protecting children’s health upon their return to New Orleans. We measured airborne mold concentrations in the homes of 55 children in February–March, 2006. Self-reported respiratory health pre- and post-Katrina and lung function tests were used to assess children’s overall respiratory health status. Outdoor air samples were collected from selected geographical locations. Sampling and measurements were repeated in April–May, 2006. This study will provide insight on current living conditions and children’s respiratory health in New Orleans.