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Economic Analyses

EPA conducts climate economic analyses to estimate the economic and environmental effects of potential domestic climate change mitigation programs and strategies. Given the complexity of economic and environmental interactions underlying the climate change issue, no one model can address all of the questions surrounding a climate change economic analysis. To provide an accurate representation of potential climate change mitigation programs and strategies, EPA employs an array of modeling tools and data. For more information about the modeling tools used by EPA, please visit the Climate Economic Modeling page.

Below is a list of analyses completed by EPA; click on the links for details and to download files:

March 2008 - The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Analysis of Senate Bill S.2191 in the 110th Congress, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

The Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008 (S.2191) is designed to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases through the development of a market-driven system of tradable allowances.

To download the letter requesting the analysis from Senators Lieberman and Warner: Cover Letter (PDF) (1 page, 364 KB)

EPA's S.2191 analysis:

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January 2008 - Part 2 of The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Analysis of Senate Bill S.1766 in the 110th Congress, the Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007

The Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007 (S.1766) is designed to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases from the production and use of energy. Part 2 of the request from Senators Bingaman and Specter was to analyze the economic impacts of S.1766.

Part 2 of EPA's S.1766 analysis:

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September 2007 - Part 1 of The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Analysis of Senate Bill S.1766 in the 110th Congress, the Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007

The Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007 (S.1766) is designed to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases from the production and use of energy. The request to analyze S.1766 from Senators Bingaman and Specter has two main parts: 1) analyze historic and projected global greenhouse gas concentrations, and 2) analyze the economic impacts of S.1766.

To download the letter requesting the analysis from Senators Bingaman and Specter: Cover Letter (PDF) (3 pp, 536K)

Part 1 of EPA's S.1766 analysis:

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July 2007 - United States Environmental Protection Agency's Analysis of Senate Bill S.280 in the 110th Congress, The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007
The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007 (S.280) is designed to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases through the development of a market-driven system of tradable allowances. To download the letter requesting the analysis from Senators Lieberman and McCain: Cover Letter (PDF) (1 pg, 371K)

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October 2005 - United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Analysis of Senate Bill S.843 in the 108th Congress, Clean Air Planning Act
The Clean Air Planning Act is a bill to amend the Clean Air Act to establish a national uniform multiple air pollutant regulatory program for the electric generating sector.  It establishes national pollutant tonnage limitations for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and carbon dioxide.

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