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 [graphic] Policies and procedures for processing National Register Nominations

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


The revised Reviewing National Register Nominations is part of the larger effort by the National Register of Historic Places to streamline and simplify the National Register process and to facilitate public participation in the program. The updated version provides a summary of how nominations are prepared and forwarded to the National Register through the appropriate State or Federal Historic Preservation Office. The balance of the text explains the system for processing nominations at the National Register, which relies to the greatest extent possible on the recommendations of the nominating authority while maintaining the integrity of the national program. The bulletin also includes a checklist for nomination preparers, which will help them ensure the information they provide on the National Register Registration Form is complete and accurate.

Making sure nomination documentation is consistent and dependable is just one way the National Register can better serve those who rely on it for a variety of needs. Any additional suggestions on how the National Register may improve its service to the public are welcomed.

Carol D. Shull
Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior

This bulletin replaces Policies and Procedures for Processing National Register Nominations, published in 1986. Diane Miller and Eleanor O'Donnell wrote the original bulletin. Rama Ramakrishna Badamo and Paul Lusignan, with assistance from the National Register staff, prepared the revised version. The National Park Service prepares the National Register Bulletin series in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to develop and make available information concerning historic properties.

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