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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin Nominating Historic Vessels and Shipwrecks to the National Register of Historic Places

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


This bulletin first took form as a presentation for the Association for Preservation Technology's short course on standards for maritime preservation, which was held at the National Maritime Museum, San Francisco, in September 1985. The discussion and interaction with the various professionals attending the course considerably guided the preparation of the bulletin. Carol D. Shull, Keeper of the National Register, William B. Bushong, Beth Savage, Linda McClelland, and Patrick Andrus of the National Register, and National Park Service Historian Emeritus Edwin C. Bearss helped define the final form of the bulletin in discussions at the National Register. Steve Haller of the National Maritime Museum provided a well-researched list of vessel types he had prepared. Alicia Weber of the National Park Service provided a listing of vessels in the National Register as of September 1984. The cooperative effort of all the task force members assembled at Santa Fe, New Mexico, resulted in the section of the bulletin devoted to shipwreck nominations; Toni Carrell of the Submerged Cultural Resource Unit worked the initial draft into the final product. Glennie Wall of the National Maritime Museum reviewed the early draft of the bulletin. Review comments were provided by Roger E. Kelly, Peter Stanford, Carl Hugh Jones, Nicholas Dean, Lynn Hickerson, Marcia Myers, Stephen T. Rogers, Lou Wall, Anne Giesecke, Don Lanihan, Larry Murphy, Toni Carrell, Cal Cummings, John Fitzhugh Miller, Gordon Chappell, Paul Putz, Peter Kurtze, Stuart Frank, the New Jersey Diving Council, and others. 


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