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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Rural Historic Landscapes

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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Fishing boats, wharves, canals, and a cluster of dwellings at Skamokawa, Washington, illustrate the important role that salmon-fishing has played along the Columbia River since the mid-19th century.
Examination of a rural area frequently requires the combined efforts of historians, landscape historians, architectural historians, architects, landscape architects, archeologists, and anthropologists. Depending on the area, the specialized knowledge of cultural geographers, plant ecologist, folklorists, and specialists in the history of agriculture, forestry, mining, transportation, and other types of land use may also be of assistance.

To prepare nominations for rural historic landscapes, persons should be able to identify various landscape characteristics during field investigations and should know the terminology used to describe the major processes, uses, and physical components visible in the landscape. They should also be familiar with the historical development of the region where they are working, know how to research appropriate sources, and understand the roles of the specialists listed above.


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