
Who May Apply (by category): Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), Nonprofit Organizations, State Education Agencies (SEAs)

Who May Apply (specifically): Consortia of state departments of education, institutions, or nonprofit organizations also may apply.

Eligible Project Participants: An individual is eligible to participate in a GPA project if she/he is:

And at least one of the following:

(Note: All GPA participants must be educators or students who fulfill the criteria above and the selection criteria set by their respective projects and are currently teaching and/or studying in the fields of humanities, social sciences, foreign languages, and/or area studies. Area studies is defined as a program of comprehensive study of the aspects of a society or societies including the study of their geography, history, culture, economy, politics, international relations, or languages. If an educator or student is working in a variety of subject areas, she/he must spend the majority of her/his time working with eligible subjects.)



Last Modified: 08/15/2007