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Building Safer Environments for Our Kids

The Child Proofing Our Communities Campaign works to protect children from exposure to environmental health hazards where they live, learn, play and pray. We help communities create safer and healthier environments for children through innovative trainings, programs and personal assistance.

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  What's New?

USA Today's New Article on Schools, Toxic Air Pollution and Asthma

USA Today has identified over 20,000 schools located within half a mile of major industrial plants spewing sulfuric acid, naphthalene, ammonia, benzene and other toxins into the air. These chemicals have been shown to cause respiratory ailments such as asthma. Reporters look at plants located near early education centers and the vulnerability of young children's developing lungs. Click here.

USA TODAY Releases New Study on ‘Toxic Hot Spot’ Schools

USA TODAY has just released a new study of schools where the outside air poses an unacceptable health risk from chemical contamination to young children and school staff.
The report identifies 435 schools as ‘toxic hot spots.’ CHEJ has been a leader in the fight against toxic schools and worked for the passage of National School Siting Guidelines. Join our campaign for safer schools today.

Click here to read the article and take action against toxic schools.

City Is Cited for Insufficient Safeguards at School Campus Being Built on Brownfield

New York City officials violated state environmental law
when they began building a school complex on a contaminated site in the South Bronx without first coming up with a plan to ensure that students and the public would not be exposed to pollutants in the future, a state judge has ruled. Read More

Community Activist Brian Wooley Deserves Our Thanks

For a long time, many in the city's establishment didn't think much of the Wasted Away group that Mr. Woolley founded. Officialdom at most levels of government doesn't like whistleblowers, gadflies or public embarrassment, and Wasted Away was viewed for a long time as nothing but a bunch of crankcases who had it in for city and state government just because of some overblown concerns about environmental contamination at the site of the new Keith Middle School, New Bedford High School and other former industrial sites in the city. Read More

Ten Ways to Get Disney to Go Green!










 Less than one quarter of the charities rated by Charity Navigator receive the 4 star rating – the highest rating possible.  According to Charity Navigator, CHEJ “outperforms the majority of nonprofits in America with respect to fiscal responsibility…and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.”
  In the News  

Greening Missouri Schools, Conflicts of Interest The Missouri committee instructed to design the implementation of green cleaning in schools hits major bumps in the road.
Missouri Kids Health Coalition

What would the Big Bad Wolf say about Vinyl Siding?
Times Review

550,000 More Chinese Toys Recalled for Lead
New York Times
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New Jersey Lacks Policy to Protect Public From Chemical Intrusion
Herald News
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How "Fresh" is Air Freshener?
Time Magazine
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Center for Health, Environment and Justice • P.O. Box 6806
Falls Church, VA 22040-6806 • 703-237-2249 • chej@chej.org

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