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A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Technology Literacy Challenge Fund

THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER AUTHORIZED. Funds support only the continuation of multi-year projects.

Grant Information

Program:  Technology Literacy Challenge Fund

Authorization:  Part D of Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (prior to July 1, 2002).

Amount available for awards in FY 2002:  $0

Estimated number of awards:  0

Eligible Applicants:  State Educational Agencies

Program Purpose and Description:  The Technology Literacy Challenge Fund (TLCF), supplements State, local, and school-level efforts to fully integrate technology into teaching and learning so that all students can become technologically literate. Federal funding for the program encourages State, local, and private sector investment in technology for improving education, providing expanded teaching and learning opportunities, and assisting students in achieving high academic standards. The funds are to advance four national goals for technology in education. The four goals are:

  • All teachers will have the training and support they need to help all students learn through computers and through the information highway;
  • All teachers and students will have modern computers in their classrooms;
  • Every classroom will be connected to the information superhighway; and
  • Effective and engaging software and online resources will be an integral part of every school curriculum.

Under the TLCF, States have considerable flexibility in setting priorities for grants, but the funds are to be used, to the extent possible, for technology applications to support school reform, to support professional development for educators on integrating technology into the curriculum, to connect classrooms and schools to networks (including the Internet), to access educational resources, and to provide educational services to adults and families.

Projected application deadline:  None

Date for announcement of awards:  None


No longer authorized. The final year of funding was FY2001 and grants expire September 30, 2002.


TLCF Non-regulatory Guidance - November 1996
TLCF State Plan Review Guidance Word Icon (47K) or PDF Icon (23K)

Resources and Related Sites

TLCF State Coordinators and State Technology Websites
An Educator's Guide to Evaluating The Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms, December 1998
Office of Education Technology

This page last modified—March 14, 2003 (edg).

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