United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Price Indexes and Discount Rates

Updated 01/08/2009

Price Index Web Sources

Quick spreadsheet of the most common indexes and discount rates (XLS, 29.5 KB) updated 1/2/2009 
CPI: 1913 to current InflationData.com
ENR: 1908 to current Engineering News-Record.com
Bureau of Reclamation Construction Cost Trends
US Census Bureau Houses Under Construction Fixed Weighted Index
    (look under methodology tab).
Water Resource Project Discount Rates
The FY2009 Water Resource Project Discount Rate is 4.625%.
OMB Circular No. A-94, Discount Rates For Cost-Effectiveness, Lease Purchase, and Related Analyses.
OMB Circular No. A-94, APPENDIX C (Revised January 2009), Discount Rates For Cost-Effectiveness, Lease Purchase, and Related Analyses.  Use 4.2% for all non-PL566 watershed analysis.
Land Values for all US counties 1850 to 1992.
Current Normalized Prices for use by Federal agencies in water and related land resource planning.
Historic Normalized Prices from 1970 to 2008.
Spreadsheet for calculating the updated points for the Recreational Unit Day Values (xls, 18.5 KB)
NRCS Interest and Annuity Spreadsheet (xls, 267 KB)
Wallet Size Amortization Tables (xls, 45.5 KB)
Producer Price Indexes: Product- and Input-Specific (xls, 60KB)
Steps to obtain Producer Prices Index data (xls, 26KB)

Economagic Public Economic Data Site

Agricultural Prices and Indexes are available through the National Agricultural Statistics Service Home Page. On the Home page, select "Publications". On the publications page, select "Reports by Commodity". On the Reports by Commodity page, scroll down to "Prices Paid by Farmers", then click on "Look up Reports". Next click on "July Annual to get the Annual Agricultural Price and index Report. This will give you the index data you are looking for. There is also a wealth of other information available through the NASS Home Page.

For annual national prices paid and receive, 1990 to current:

The BEA Regional Projections, 1969 to 2045 spreadsheet (xls, 3.88 MB) (formerly OBERS) projections are available.

This spreadsheet includes employment, earnings, and gross sector production by industrial sector, by state and MSA annually 1969 to 1993, plus forecasts through 2045. Some items, like content (not buildings) flood damages, can include future increases based on these GDP type projections. BEA has since discontinued their Regional Projections Program: Discontinuation of the Regional Projections Program

Instructions on the use of these regional projections for estimating future flood damages are included in
P&G, section 2.4.11(c), Printed page 36-37, PDF page 47. (1.18 MB)

Construction Costs Indexes include:

Principles and Guidelines for Water Resource Projects (PDF 1.18 MB)