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Do You Wear Contact Lenses?

There's something you should know…


Eyes come in many shapes and colors.

More than 34 million people in the U.S. and 71 million people in the world wear contact lenses. Contact lens wearers include athletes, actors, musicians, and people in occupations where glasses get in the way. Some people wear contacts for cosmetic reasons.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has good information on acanthanmoeba, including frequent questions.

What is Acanthamoeba?

showing the progression from healthy eye to diseased eye to progressed state

Normal to diseased to progressed stage

Pronounced A·can·tha·moe·ba, acanthamoeba is a microbe that is very common in the environment, including in tap water. It has two forms: the trophozoite and the cyst. The infective form is the trophozoite, which can change into a cyst and survive a long time. These trophozoites and cysts can stick to the surface of your contact lenses and then infect your eye.

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What are the symptoms of Acanthamoeba eye infection?

Symptoms include severe pain in the eye, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, and a whitish halo at the periphery of the eye. The infection cal last weeks to months, and it never fully heals despite treatment. See your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. You can locate a contact lens doctor by visiting the website for the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists Exit EPA Disclaimer.

How do you get Acanthamoeba on your contact lenses?

Acanthamoeba gets on your lens when you use contaminated or homemade lens solutions to rinse or store your lenses. Eye infections often result when the microbe attaches to the surface of the lens and the contact case. You can also get infected when you swim while wearing your contact lenses.

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Who can get infected?

Can Acanthamoeba eye infection be treated?

This infection is difficult to treat. A doctor can successfully treat it with a combination of topical ointments such as Brolene and PHMB. . You can locate a contact lens doctor by visiting the website for the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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How can I prevent an Acanthamoeba eye infection?

closeup of Acanthamoeba

What is EPA doing about Acanthamoeba?

We have issued a guidance for vision care and health care providers on Acanthamoeba in contact lens wearers. An EPA fact sheet also provides condensed information for public awareness on Acanthamoeba. For more information, see the Additional Materials and Guidance section.

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Additional Materials and Guidance

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has good information on acanthanmoeba, including frequent questions.

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Guidance Documents

Fact Sheets

Brochures for the Public

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