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Workbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Sharps Injury Prevention Program


E-2 Sample Worksheet for Estimating Device-Specific Percutaneous Injury Costs

The following sample worksheet is designed to assist in assessing the economic impact of injuries associated with specific types of needles and other sharp devices. Completion of this worksheet requires knowledge of the average cost of a needlestick injury in a facility (See Appendix E-1 Worksheet for Estimating the Annual and Average Cost of Needlesticks and Sharps-Related Injuries). When the worksheet is completed, the facility will have a picture of the cost impact of specific types of devices that can be used for considering priorities for intervention.

  Workbook Section Link for this Toolkit Product:
E-2 Worksheet (8 KB/1 page) / E-2 Worksheet (27 KB/1 page)


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Publish date: February 12, 2004
This page last reviewed February 12, 2004