Federal Register /  Vol 59 244  / Wednesday, December 21,  1994 /
          Notices                                        Page 65786 & 65787


          National Park Service

          Notice  of Intent to Repatriate a Cultural Item in the Possession
          of the Heard Museum, Phoenix, AZ

          AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior

          ACTION: Notice


          Notice  is   hereby  given  under  the   Native  American  Graves
          Protection  and  Repatriation  Act  of  1990  of  the  intent  to
          repatriate a cultural  item presently  in the  possession of  the
          Heard  Museum, Phoenix, AZ, that meets  the definition of "sacred
          object" under section 2 of the act.

          The  item consists of a rawhide bandolier, 13 inches in diameter,
          decorated  with  small  shells,  a cobalt-blue  glass  bead,  two
          natural crystals and an  obsidian arrow point.  The  bandolier is
          wrapped with wide rawhide strips and fringed.

          The bandolier was acquired by the Heard Museum in 1974 as part of
          a  larger group of  items donated by  Woodard's Indian Arts.   No
          information  has been obtained relative to the acquisition of the
          items  by Woodard's  Indian Arts.   The  original  museum records
          identify the object as NA-SW-NA-J-183, a Navajo rawhide necklace.

          In  November, 1993, the Museum supplied a summary of its holdings
          identified  as  "Navajo"  to authorized  representatives  of  the
          Navajo  Nation.   In May,  1994, a  representative of  the Navajo
          Nation Cultural  Preservation Office examined the  collection and
          the bandolier was  identified as a sacred  object.  The item  was
          further identified  in an  October, 1994 letter  from the  Navajo
          Nation as  used in the Enemy  Way ceremony.  In  the letter dated
          November 7, 1994 representatives  of the Navajo Nation identified
          the bandolier as one needed, "...so that the rawhide necklace can
          be re-initiated for the comming seasons.  This particular item is
          not meant to be in the hands of non-Navajos because it is used in
          ceremonies that involve cleansing from foreigners."

          Based on the above mentioned information, officials of  the Heard
          Museum  have determined  that, pursuant  to  25 U.S.C.  3001 (2),
          there is a  relationship of  shared group identity  which can  be
          reasonably traced  between the  bandolier and the  Navajo Nation.
          Officials of  the  Heard Museum  have  also determined  that  the
          bandolier meets the  definition of sacred  object pursuant to  25
          U.S.C. 3001 (3)(C).   The  Museum's Board of  Trustees agreed  to
          deaccession the  item on  November 23,  1994, in  preparation for

          This  notice has  been sent  to officials  of the  Navajo Nation,
          Ramah  Navajo  Chapter, and  the  Colorado  River Indian  Tribes.
          Representatives of any other Indian tribe that believes itself to
          be culturally  affiliated with this cultural  item should contact
          Martin Sullivan, Director,  The Heard Museum,  22 E. Monte  Vista
          Road, Phoenix Arizona 85004-1480, telephone (602) 252-8840 before
          January  20,  1995.   Repatriation of  the  cultural item  to the
          Navajo  Nation  may  begin  after  that  date  if  no  additional
          claimants come forward.          Dated: December 15, 1994

          Francis P. McManamon
          Departmental Consulting Archeologist
          Chief, Archeological Assistance Division
          [FR Doc. 94-31259 Filed 12-20-94, 8:45 am]
          BILLING CODE 4310-70-F

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