Federal Register  / Vol. 60 No.  124 / Wednesday June  28, 1995 /

          Notices                                                Page 33428


          National Park Service

          Notice  of   Inventory  Completion  for  Human   Remains  In  the

          Possession  of  Pipe  Spring  National  Monument,  National  Park

          Service, Moccasin, AZ

          AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior

          ACTION: Notice


          Notice  is   hereby  given  under  the   Native  American  Graves

          Protection and Repatriation Act, 25 U.S.C. 3003(d), of completion

          of Inventory for Native American  human remains in the possession

          of the  National Park Service  at Pipe Spring  National Monument,

          Moccasin, AZ.

          The human remains represent  four individuals.  The first  set of

          remains  (accession  PISP-00155,  catalog  PISP  667)   has  been

          identified as  male and consists of a cranium.  The second set of

          remains (accession  PISP-00155) has  been identified as  male and

          consists of a cranium  and mandible (catalog PISP 668);  a tibial

          shaft segment (catalog PISP 675); and a fibular fragment (catalog

          PISP  676).  Accession records indicate that both sets of remains

          were  excavated from  south of  the Pipe  Spring  fortified ranch

          house,  and given to the National Park Service by former Monument

          Custodian Leonard Heaton in 1939.

          The third set of remains -- unaccessioned and uncatalogued -- has

          been  identified  as  female  and  consists  of  a  cranium,  one

          phalange,  one  metatarsal, four  small  rib  fragments, and  two

          disarticulated  pieces of the left  temporal.  The  fourth set of

          remains  --  also  unaccessioned  and uncatalogued  --  has  been

          identified as female and consists of twelve cranial fragments and

          a fragment of the head of a femur.  National Park Service records

          do not indicate  the location  where these sets  of remains  were

          found, or information on how the remains came into the possession

          of  the Monument.  The  Monument is asserting  control over these

          human remains.

          The  Kaibab Paiute  Tribe expressed  interest in  repatriation of

          these remains as early as July 1992 and have agreed to efforts to

          date and identify the cultural affiliation of  the remains.  As a

          result, the National Park Service  arranged for an assessment  of

          the  remains  by  Dr.  Mark Taylor,  Professor  of  Anthropology,

          Northern  Arizona  University,  in  December 1992.    Dr.  Taylor

          concluded that  all  four sets  of  remains were  of  prehistoric

          Native  Americans,  who  died  over  seven-hundred  years  before


          Given  the  standing  interest  of  the  Kaibab  Paiute Tribe  in

          repatriation of  these remains  and the  findings of Dr.  Taylor,

          additional consultations  with the Kaibab Paiute  and Hopi tribes

          were  conducted in  1993.   There is archaeological  evidence for

          ties between both Kaibab Paiute and  Hopi culture and prehistoric

          Puebloan culture in  the Arizona  Strip area north  of the  Grand

          Canyon.   Both  tribes also  have oral  traditions linking  their

          cultures  to prehistoric  occupants of the  area.   National Park

          Service consultations  with the Hopi tribe  resulted in agreement

          that  the Hopi tribe would  defer to the  Kaibab Paiute regarding

          this repatriation given  that the remains came from Kaibab Paiute

          traditional lands.   The  Kaibab Paiute Tribe  formally requested

          repatriation of the human remains on January 4, 1995.  Based upon

          the  Kaibab  Paiute aboriginal  occupancy of  the area  where the

          human remains appear to  have been found, and a  preponderance of

          the  evidence supporting  a cultural  affiliation of  the remains

          with  the Kaibab  Paiute Tribe,  as well  as Hopi  concurrence in

          repatriation  to  the  Kaibab  Paiute Tribe,  the  National  Park

          Service  has concluded  that  repatriation to  the Kaibab  Paiute

          Tribe is appropriate.

          Inventory of the human remains and funerary objects and review of

          accompanying documentation from the  four sets of Native American

          human  remains listed  above indicate  that no  known individuals

          were identifiable.

          Based  on  the  above  mentioned information,  officials  of  the

          National Park Service have determined that, pursuant to 25 U.S.C.

          3001  (2), there is a relationship of shared group identity which

          can  be  reasonably  traced  between the  Native  American  human

          remains and the Kaibab Paiute Tribe.

          Representatives of any other Indian tribe that believes itself to

          be culturally  affiliated with  the human remains  should contact

          John W.  Hiscock, Superintendent, Pipe Spring  National Monument,

          HC 65   Box  5, Fredonia, AZ   86022, telephone,  (520) 643-7105,

          before July 28,  1995.  Repatriation  of the  four sets of  human

          remains  to the Kaibab Paiute  Tribe of Arizona  will begin after

          that date if no additional claimants come forward.

          Dated: June 22, 1995

          Veletta Canouts

          Acting, Departmental Consulting Archeologist and

          Acting, Chief, Archeological Assistance Division

          [FR Doc. 95-15883 Filed 6-27-95; 8:45 am]

          BILLING CODE 4310-70-F

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