Notice  of Completion  of  Inventory  of Native  American
          Human  Remains and  Associated  Funerary Objects  in  the
          Possession  of  the  Peabody Museum  of  Archaeology  and
          Ethnology, Cambridge, MA.

          AGENCY:   National Park Service, Interior.

          ACTION:   Notice.

          Notice is  hereby given in accordance  with provisions of
          the  Native American  Graves Protection  and Repatriation
          Act, 25 U.S.C. 3003(d), of the completion of an inventory
          of human  remains and associated funerary  objects in the
          possession  of the Peabody Museum from one site near Fort
          Robinson, NE.

          The  detailed  inventory and  assessment  of these  human
          remains and associated funerary  objects has been made by
          the Collections Managers and Curatorial Associates of the
          Peabody  Museum in  consultation with  representatives of
          the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Lame Deer, MT.

          Museum records indicate that the collection was retrieved
          from  a  sinkhole  in  the  vicinity  of  Fort  Robinson,
          Nebraska, in 1879, about one year after Dull Knife's Band
          was attacked while leaving the fort.  The collections was
          deposited  in  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  at
          Harvard University and transferred  to the Peabody Museum
          in  1880 or  1881.   The human  remains  consist  of five
          skulls and  one femur (80-25/23076, 23077,  23078, 23079,
          23080, and 24855).   Associated funerary  objects consist
          of a small  leather knife sheath, a fragment  of textile,
          and several buttons (80-25/23082, 23083, and 23084).  The
          location  and  date of  collection,  as  reported in  the
          Museum  catalogue,  and  the evidence  of  violent  death
          exhibited by the human remains support the identification
          of these human remains and associated funerary objects as
          being  culturally affiliated  with the  Northern Cheyenne

          Individual  or representatives of  any other Indian tribe
          that  believe they  may  be affiliated  with these  human
          remains and associated funerary objects are advised  that
          they  are being  transferred  to  representatives of  the
          Northern  Cheyenne, Lame  Deer,  MT, who  have agreed  to
          delay  reinterment until  November  4, 1993.   The  human
          remains and associated funerary objects may be reinterred

          at that  time if no other claims  of cultural affiliation
          are  received.    This  notice  has  also  been  sent  to
          representatives  of  the  Cheyenne  and  Arapaho  tribes,
          Concho, OK.  

          Representatives of  any other Indian tribe which believes
          itself to  be  descended from  the individuals  described
          above should  contact David  Pilbeam, Peabody  Museum, 11
          Divinity  Avenue, Cambridge,  MA 02138,  telephone: (617)
          495-2248, and  Steven C. Brady, Sr., Box  542, Lame Deer,
          MT 59043, telephone: (406) 477-6210.

          Dated:  September 21, 1993

          Veletta Canouts
          Acting, Departmental Consulting Archeologist
          Chief, Archeological Assistance Division
          [FR/Vol. 58, No 191/Tuesday October 5, 1993/Page 51845]

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