Federal Register /Vol. 57, No. 198 /Tuesday, October 13, 1992 /Notices                                                               46866 & 46867

   Notice of Completion of  Inventory of Native American Human  Remains and
   Associated  Funerary  Objects  from  Four  Sites  in  Tuolumne   County,
   California,  in the Possession of the California Department of Parks and

   AGENCY:   National Park Service, Interior.

   ACTION:   Notice.

     Notice  is hereby given  in accordance  with provisions  of the Native
   American Graves Protection  and Repatriation Act, 25 U.S.C.  3003(d), of
   the completion of the inventory of human remains and associated funerary
   objects  from  four  sites  in   Tuolumne  County,  California,  in  the
   possession  of  the  California  Department  of  Parks  and  Recreation.
   Representatives of culturally affiliated Indian tribes are advised  that
   the human remains and  associated funerary objects from Tuolumne  County
   will  be retained by the  Department at its  headquarters facility until
   November 12, 1992,  after which  they may be  repatriated to  culturally
   affiliated groups.
     The  detailed  inventory  and  assessment  of  the  human  remains and
   associated funerary objects  from these four  Tuolumne County sites  has
   been  made  by  the  California   Department  of  Parks  and  Recreation
   curatorial  and  archeological staff,  contract specialists  in physical
   anthropology  and  prehistoric  archeology, and  representatives  of the
   Tuolumne Band of Me-wuk  Indians and the Central Sierra  Me-Wuk Cultural
   and Historic Preservation Committee.
     Three of  the collections  [from CA-TUO-331,  CA-TUO-342, and  CA-TUO-
   S497 (the Lucas  Gulch site)]  were surface-collected in  1970 prior  to
   flooding of the  Don Pedro  reservoir.  The  collection from  CA-TUO-342
   contains  one  human   tooth  which  is  probably  late  prehistoric  or
   protohistoric, based  on a desert  side-notched point and  olivella disc
   beads found during the survey.   The collection from CA-TUO-331, a small
   village site with many bedrock mortar pits, and  the collection from CA-
   TUO-S497 each  contain one human bone fragment  which are presumed to be
   late  prehistoric or historic based on the degree of their preservation.
   No funerary objects have been identified from these surface-collections.
     The fourth  collection  was  excavated in  1968 from  CA-TUO-395  (the
   Columbus Junior College  site).  The collection includes  one cremation,
   two burials, and 60,050 funerary objects, most of which are fire-exposed
   beads.  The burials date from about 1860.
     Two  of  the  collections,  CA-TUO-342  and  CA-TUO-395,  are  clearly
   identifiable as being affiliated with the historic Central Sierra  Miwok
   people, as they  come from  known historic or  late prehistoric  village
   sites and  have artifacts  which are  consistent with  this attribution.
   The  two  other  collections,  from  CA-TUO-331  and  CA-TUO-S497,   can
   reasonably be believed to be affiliated with the historic Central Sierra
   Miwok  people  as  they   were  collected  from  an  area   believed  by
   archeologists to be inhabited by the Central Sierra Miwok since about AD
   1400, with no contradictory evidence of the presence of another group.  
     This notice  has been sent  to officials of  the Tuolumne  Band of the
   Me-wuk and the Central Sierra Me-wuk Cultural and Historic  Preservation
   Committee.   Representatives  of any  other Indian group  which believes
   itself to be culturally affiliated with the human remains and associated
   funerary objects from these four Tuolumne County collections should  get
   in touch with Pauline  Grenbeaux Spear, Committee on Repatriation,  P.O.
   942896,  Sacramento CA  94296-0001, (916)  324-6800 before  November 12,

     Dated: October 6, 1992

   Francis P. McManamon
   Departmental Consulting Archeologist
   Chief, Archeological Assistance Division
   [FR Doc 92-24760 Filed 10-9-92; 8:45 am]
   BILLING CODE 4310-70-M

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