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Federal Archeology Program > Secretary's Report to Congress

The Secretary's Report

The Secretary of the Interior is responsible for reporting to Congress on the impact of federal programs and activities on the nation's archeological heritage. The report covers activities used for recovery, protection, and preservation of archeological sites, collections, and data. The Secretary's Report to Congress on the Federal Archeology Program provides an overview of the range of activities undertaken by agencies as part of the programmatic Federal stewardship of archeological resources. A short history of national reporting about Federal Archeology was published in 1992. more >>

The SRC Questionnaire

Information about the Federal Archeology Program is solicited through a questionnaire that is administered by the NPS Archeology Program on a yearly basis. The current questionnaire instructions and form facilitates federal agencies' response to the annual call for data. We also provide case summary forms for agencies reporting archeological resource law violations on Federal and Indian lands, in support of the Listing of Outlaw Treachery (LOOT) Information Clearinghouse. more >>

The SRC Data

The Secretary's Report to Congress provides important summary information about activities that Federal agencies carry out as part of their stewardship responsibilities for archeological resources. The original data, however, are also an important resource: it is the only data about archeological activities and resources in Federal agencies that are collected separately from information about cultural resources. more >>