[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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Working Together to Preserve the Past
is a special issue of the journal CRM dedicated results of the Historic Contact in the Northeast NHL Theme Study. This Theme Study was the first in thirty years to focus on archeological properties.

Preserving our National Heritage: The National Historic Landmarks Assistance Initiative
is a special issue of the journal CRM dedicated to topics in assisting NHL preservation.

Earliest Americans National Historic Landmark Theme Study
describes the initiation of this theme study.


Explore the National Historic Landmarks program website for more information about NHLs.

For more information about the historic themes, read the full Thematic Framework and guidelines for using it.

For information about nominating a property as an NHL, consult the National Register Bulletin: How to Prepare National Historic Landmark nominations.

Archeology in the National Historic Landmarks Program
by Robert S. Grumet, National Park Service Mid-Atlantic Regional Office. Techical Brief 3, National Park Service Archeological Assistance Division, 1988.
Describes process, issues and challenges for archeological NHLs.

The National Historic Landmarks Program: Theme Studies and Preservation Planning
by Robert S. Grumet, National Park Service Mid-Atlantic Regional Office. Techical Brief 10, National Park Service Archeological Assistance Division, 1990.
Describes describes how NHL theme studies can be combined with basic elements of historic preservation planning.


To learn more about NHLs that have been designated for their archeological values, see the Archaeology Inventory (updated 2003) for information on NHLs by state, cultural affiliation, time period, property type, significance, and theme.

Find out about the NHL committee of the Society for American Archaeology.

The Earliest Americans web feature.

Coso Rock Art District NHL web feature.

Indian Mounds of Mississippi—a National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary—includes three NHLs: Emerald Mound, Grand Village of the Natchez Indians, and the Winterville site.

Visit the Lubbock Lake Landmark in Texas.

Visit the Sunwatch Village Landmark in Ohio.