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Work-Related Lung Disease (WoRLD) Surveillance System

Home > Asthma > 2007T09-05

Work-Related Asthma: SENSOR

Work-related asthma: Most frequently reported agents associated with work-related asthma cases by state, 1993–2002
Work-related asthma: Most frequently reported agents associated with work-related asthma cases by state, 1993–2002

- indicates no cases reported.n.o.s. - not otherwise specified * Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) exposure codes, 05/2005 (

Note:  Number column sums exceed the corresponding number of cases because each case was associated with up to three putative agents. Percentages are based on the number of cases reported from California (n=1,868), Massachusetts (n=499), Michigan (n=1,506), and New Jersey (n=259). See appendices for source description and methods.

Source:  Provisional Sentinel Event Notification Systems for Occupational Risks surveillance data as of September 2006, reported by R Harrison and J Flattery (California); L Davis, E Pechter, and M Sharma (Massachusetts); K Rosenman, MJ Reilly, and D Kalinowski (Michigan); and D Valiante, D Schill, and K McGreevy (New Jersey).

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Page last modified: June 23, 2008
Page last reviewed: June 23, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)