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History & Culture
History and Culture titleimage of Montezuma Castle National Monument, Arizona

Standards & Guidelines

To encourage consistent preservation practices the National Park Service has developed guidelines and standards that guide decision-making at the national tribal, state, and local levels. The flagship of these preservation guideposts are the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation.

Abandoned Shipwreck Act Guidelines

Cultural Resource Management Guideline, NPS-28

Guidelines for Federal Agency Responsibilities, Under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act

Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation [As amended and annotated by the National Park Service]

Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation

Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 44716, Sept. 1983)

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (36 CFR 67)

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CFR 68)

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes

Image of the Mayor Andrew Broadus Did You Know?
Commissioned in 1928, the Mayor Andrew Broadus rescued boaters at the Falls of the Ohio River in Louisville, Kentucky, until 1972. It is the only remaining floating life-saving station. more...

History and Culture