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[ ProMED Masthead ] [ ProMed Title ]


ProMED, the FAS policy initiative calling for global monitoring of emerging diseases, has the following active programs:

Disease Reports

Project Resources

1717 K St., NW
Suite 209
Washington, DC 20036
Voice: (202) 546-3300
Fax: (202) 675-1010
E-mail: dpreslar@fas.org
ProMED © Federation of American Scientists 1994-2001

(The name "ProMED", and the logo of a horizontally split globe with the banner of "Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases" inserted, are copyrighted by the Federation of American Scientists for use in activities associated with emerging infectious diseases. Permissions for use of the name in conjunction with the global reporting system known as ProMED-mail were granted to SatelLife in August 1996, and to the International Society for Infectious Diseases in November 1999.)


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Maintained by Dorothy Preslar